01' SC2 Clutch

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Smitten, Apr 23, 2006.

  1. Smitten

    Smitten Guest

    I got a used 2001 SC a few months ago. Today my husband was driving it and
    called to tell me the clutch had not resistance and he couldn't shift. I saw
    that the clutch fluid compartment was empty so I went and got some clutch
    fluid, but noticed on the cap of the compartment that is says to fill it with
    brake fluid. I was wondering what the difference was.
    Smitten, Apr 23, 2006
  2. Smitten

    wavy Guest

    Ok. I'm pretty sure the hydraulic clutch reservoir uses brake fluid.
    I have NEVER heard of "clutch fluid". Whatever you do, DONT put
    automatic transmission fluid into your clutch reservoir.

    Can anyone else help me here?
    wavy, Apr 23, 2006
  3. Smitten

    blah blah Guest

    Clutch fluid today is probably just a less refined brake fluid. I
    probably wouldnt use it unless I read something insuring of
    compatibility for dot3 clutch systems on the bottle.
    blah blah, Apr 23, 2006
  4. Smitten

    SnoMan Guest

    Brake fluid is required. I never heard of "clutch fluid" either
    SnoMan, Apr 23, 2006
  5. Smitten

    seawater Guest

    Im sure my old SL1 used DOT3 brake fluid in the clutch system. My
    manual for my ION indicated Dot3 brake fluid in the clutch/brake
    reservoir. "The clutch does not have its own reservoir. The system
    receives fluid from the brake master cylinder reservoir. It is filled
    with DOT3 frade fluid." (Quoted from the manual).
    seawater, Apr 23, 2006
  6. Smitten

    seawater Guest

    The type of fluid is the least of your troubles. You have a sepatate
    reservoir and it shoulnot need topping up. You must have a leak that
    won't fo away till you get it serviced, hopefully it didn't leak onto
    the clutch!
    seawater, Apr 23, 2006
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