2000 SL2

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by George K., Dec 29, 2004.

  1. George K.

    George K. Guest

    My wife and I just purchased a 2000 SL2. This may sound crazy, but I
    can't find where to check the antifreeze level. I see the radiator, but
    not the cap. The car didn't come with an owners manual, so I ordered one
    off of ebay. Can someone please tell me where the radiator cap is???
    Thanks for your help.

    George K., Dec 29, 2004
  2. ....if it's like my 97, then you only check the level at the overflow jug on
    the right (passenger side) fender. It probably has a pinkish/orange sticker
    on a black plastic cap sitting on a white-ish colored plastic jug.

    There is concern for getting the right type of antifreeze too - used to be
    you can't mix the green (normal) with the pink/orange (extended life).
    However I was just over at the Prestone site and they are making something
    they claim safe for all. I used Dexcool (extended life) in my 97.
    Jonnie Santos, Dec 29, 2004
  3. Just to add my 2 cents, on my sl2, it's behind the window washer tank.


    tom @ www.ChopURL.com
    newsgroups01REMOVEME, Dec 29, 2004
  4. George K.

    marx404 Guest

    On a 2002 SL, the coolant type is the orange stuff caled DexCool. You check
    the level via the overflow resevior which is indeed on the passenger side,
    behind the windshield washer resevior tank. There is a fill line, which is
    actually the large seam which forms the perimeter flange near the top. on
    1st gen Saturns, there used to be a Fill arrow there.
    When looking inside the resevior, you will also see there is a plastic bar
    inside the fill hole, the coolant should just cover that, which is
    equivalent to the fill line on the outside.

    marx404, Dec 29, 2004
  5. You know, I've wondered about the Prestone stuff too. It's called
    Extended Life Antifreeze/Coolant, comes in both regular and
    water-diluted forms, and allegedly "is intended for ANY foreign or
    domestic car and light duty truck on the road today and mixes with ANY
    color antifreeze/coolant," according to the company's Web site.

    Any thoughts or experiences with this in Saturns? Carrying around a
    diluted jug of this stuff for an emergency seems a lot more convenient
    than lugging around Dexcool, distilled water and a measuring cup.

    Gary Kirchherr, Dec 29, 2004
  6. George K.

    Blah blah Guest

    You're talking about "Pre-Mix". You can buy Pre-Mix in any type of
    coolant includiing DexCool. I mix my own at home and carry a jug of it
    in my car just incase.
    Blah blah, Dec 29, 2004
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