92 SL2 ac question

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Grumpy, Oct 27, 2004.

  1. Grumpy

    Grumpy Guest

    While replacing the radiator fan I broke the high pressure, Discharge
    coolant line.
    The AC turned on a few times yesterday but today won't kick on at all.
    Is there a switch that would prevent the AC from coming on with no fluid?
    I use the AC to force the cooling fan to come on. Turning the AC on/off
    for only a second keeps the fan running.
    For some reason the fan doesn't come on until the temp is 3/4 way up the
    gauge - even with new temp sensor.

    Is it easy to replace the hose and refill the system? It's been converted
    to 134 btw.
    Grumpy, Oct 27, 2004
  2. Grumpy

    Blah blah Guest

    Yes there is a pressure switch. You should have your ac system sealed
    off from the atmosphere. You could disconnect your compressor and fake
    the signal from the pressure switch I think to get your fan to run. I'd
    prefer people got their ac systems serviced from a good shop myself or
    done lots of research. Some ac oils say their compatible with both r12 &
    134 and I think they end up ruining things in a couple of years time.
    Blah blah, Oct 27, 2004
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