'94 SL2 Windshield...

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Scott MacIntyre, Nov 29, 2004.

  1. hey all...

    I have a '94 SL2 I'm just trying to keep going for another year, but I have
    NYS inspection due 12/31... The car runs fine, and other than 2 new tires
    for the front, it should pass. The problem is I think they'll fail it on my
    windshield. I have 2 rust bubble spots where the roof and windshield meet,
    each located approximately over each front seat. about 3 months ago, 2
    cracks in the windshield appeared and grew (about 12 inches log now)
    emanating directly from the rust spot. My thought is that the rust spots
    might have rusted enough, thereby allowing the roof to flex and stress crack
    the windshield in those spots.. (Does this sound right?) Has anyone else
    ever had something like this happen? The reason for asking is that I got a
    price on a windshield for $300 (seems expensive), but I don't want to drop
    it in if in a few months it'll just crack the new one. Can/has anyone ever
    fixed (welded or whatever) this before?

    Like I said, it's a vital second car for us, but I can't afford 2 car
    payments. The other vehicle's payment is up in a year, so if I can nurse
    the SL2 through, I should be OK and will kiss it's bumper next December!

    Thanks for any thoughts/ideas...

    Scott MacIntyre, Nov 29, 2004
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