[QUOTE] If you wait for the Saturn to be down to the add mark, then it will take a full quart. At that point, the oil in the crankcase is down by 25% of its capacity. If for some reason you don't catch it then, and it gets lower, you risk permanent damage[/QUOTE] You are over playing this. If engines blew or were damaged that easy there would be a LOT more dead cars on the road! when oil gets down to 50% or capacity then you need to start worrying but not at 10 or 20%. I am not saying that you should run it a quart low all the time but what I am saying is if it is a quarter to a 1/2 a mark below full of so there is no need to panic or top it off unless you are planning a extended trip. Also contray to popular belief, a 10 to 20% overfill will not hurt a thing either as it take a lot more overfill than that to cause problems. SO it you are "worried" about your oil consumption, add a extra 4 to 8 ounces at top off to extend top off intervals.