97 SC2 leak in trunk.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by DannyB20, May 6, 2006.

  1. DannyB20

    DannyB20 Guest

    Hello, The water is coming in from somewhere on the passenger side of
    the trunk in that side well. It only gets wet when driving in the rain.
    Am assuming it is getting in from the water being thrown off of the
    rear wheel. That being said seems to me the seal on the outside has
    failed. So the water is wicking in. It gets to the carpet and continues
    to wick in. Capillary action. I cleaned the inside of the trunk where
    the leak seemed to be coming in from and re-sealed what was originally
    done at the factory with RTV. Hopefully this will stop the leak for
    now. My concern is that the water is already into the outside seal and
    will rust now.
    Any ideas how do deal with this? How would one get to the source of the
    outside seal leak before it gets totally rusted through?
    Thanks, Dan.
    DannyB20, May 6, 2006
  2. DannyB20

    DannyB20 Guest

    Well I was totally wrong on where the water was coming in from. I live
    near Chigago and there has been measurable rain here, I think, every
    day for the last 5 days. I pulled all of the matting away from the
    trunk well and everyday there was about an inch of water there. With or
    without driving. Using a watering can I was able to pinpoint where the
    water was coming in from. The seal on the rear window on that side has
    failed. So using a silicone sealant I sealed it back up. Hope fully
    this will do the trick.
    DannyB20, May 17, 2006
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