97 SW2 Parking Light Bulb

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Mitch, Jul 21, 2003.

  1. Mitch

    Mitch Guest

    I feel very dumb having to ask this question but how do you remove the
    front turn signal/parking light bulb from the holder. I squeezed, pried,
    pushed, pulled and even tried to rotate but couldn't get it out. I'm
    sure it has something to do with the tabs on each side of the bulb but I
    don't want to break it.

    Mitch, Jul 21, 2003
  2. ..I have a 97SL2 and I'll take a stab...

    ....if you are talking about the amber bulb in the front housing where the
    high and lows beams are located, then the bulb holder rotates easily about
    1/8 ccw to and you can separate the assembly from the lens. With the bulb
    revealed, just pull it gently straight out on its grey plastic holder - I
    just tried mine and it came out with a little snap.
    Jonnie Santos, Jul 22, 2003
  3. ....I went through heck with some after market hi-beam bulbs/connectors -
    they were slightly different in size and the fit was so snug (on just one
    unit) that I thought I had the wrong part. And I do my share of breaking
    stuff, so I didn't want to force the bulb and break it, so I know what you
    Jonnie Santos, Jul 22, 2003
  4. Mitch

    Mitch Guest

    Well I just did it and while it was bit tight, but I didn't break anything.

    Mitch, Jul 22, 2003
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