Another 'leak' - AC drain clogged?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jeff Pesula, Jun 14, 2004.

  1. Jeff Pesula

    Jeff Pesula Guest

    I forgot to also ask about the AC drain. I have the classic wet passenger
    floor. This may be related to the sunroof problem, but I want to make sure
    that the AC (Always in use) is not going to create problems. Any help on
    how to get to the drain line ('96 SL2 DOHC) would be helpful.
    Jeff Pesula, Jun 14, 2004
  2. Jeff Pesula

    dwalter68 Guest

    I had this problem with my wife's 95 SL2 a few years ago. The mechanics
    told me it would cost something like $200 to fix, so I decided to have a
    go myself.

    It was leaking right where the tube goes into the firewall, right in the
    center of the car. It is difficult to see and reach. I was able to fix it
    by applying some black rtv silicone sealant to the area (after letting
    everything dry out). I had to rig up a syringe with a tube on the end just
    to be able to get it in there. I did it from the passenger side while
    lying in a very uncomfortable position.
    dwalter68, Jun 28, 2004
  3. Jeff Pesula

    dwalter68 Guest

    I had this problem on my wife's 95 sl2 a few years ago. the mechanics told
    me it would cost something like $200 to fix, so I gave it a try myself.

    It was leaking where the tube goes into the firewall in the middle of the
    car. It is in a very difficult position to see and reach. I fixed it by
    applying some black rtv sealant to the area. I had to use a syringe with a
    tube hooked to the end of it. I did it from the passenger side while lying
    in a very uncomfortable position.
    dwalter68, Jun 28, 2004
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