auto trans problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by steve, Jan 14, 2004.

  1. steve

    steve Guest

    I have a 2001 sc2 auto trans 47,000 mi. Out of the blue the gears started to
    slam when shifting from gear to gear. a very hard shift. well i took it to
    saturn and they changed the positive battery cable. because it was corroded.
    they said it could make the trans do funny things if its not getting the
    right voltage.they also reprogrammed the computer and said they didn't get
    any codes. My car was fine for 2 days and on the 3rd day it started again.
    My question is, has anyone had this problem ? bad computer or bad trans?

    thanks Steve
    steve, Jan 14, 2004
  2. steve

    ben@ Guest

    Did they change the fluid and/or filter?
    ben@, Jan 14, 2004
  3. steve

    steve Guest


    steve, Jan 14, 2004
  4. steve

    Oppie Guest

    You should go back to Saturn to have them run a diagnostic while driving to
    record any transient codes.

    Most likely it is a flaky sensor or shift control valve. Possibly an abraded
    cable (something rubbed against insulation and wore through it). A corroded
    connector is unlikely with a car only 2 years old but that would also give
    an intermittant condition. Also possible that the lock-up torque converter
    is not unlocking fully when shifting. I recall seeing a TSB on that one.

    Good luck - Oppie
    Oppie, Jan 15, 2004
  5. steve

    Matt O'Toole Guest

    Indeed. And what's the most likely reason it's not getting the right voltage,
    especially in a Saturn? Bad alternator. Look there first.

    Matt O.
    Matt O'Toole, Jan 15, 2004
  6. steve

    Eric Smith Guest


    I just went thru this, so I know how you feel. Like every time the
    trans shifts will be it's last. In my particular case, it turned out
    to be the wiring harness to the trans. They also said the input shaft
    nut was loose and they did something with that, and the input shaft
    bearing. If you have codes P0147 and/or P0148 ( I'm not 100% sure of
    those numbers), this points to the harness, or perhaps the fluid
    pressure control solenoid. If the car shifts reasonably when cold,
    but starts slamming when it warms-up, this also points to a fluid
    pressure problem. Since the fluid is denser when cold, there's
    sufficient pressure to operate the valve body. When the fluid warms
    up, it becomes thinner and the pressure drops and the trans starts
    slamming. I seem to remember seeing a service bulletin about the
    trans wiring harness in my online searches

    One last thing. Just because someone works at a Saturn dealer,
    doesn't necessarily mean he knows what he's talking about. In my
    case, my dealer swore up and down that the wiring was not the problem,
    and the only suggestion they could make was replacing the computer.
    They gave me no guarantee that this would fix it, so if it didn't
    work, I'm out $850. As a last resort, before I got a new car, I took
    it to a different dealer. Talk about night and day! They fixed it
    for about $700 and (knock on wood) it's been OK ever since. I think
    I'm going to file a complaint with the my county consumer protection
    office to try to get back some money from dealer #1. Good luck.

    Eric Smith, Jan 23, 2004
  7. steve

    Eric Smith Guest


    Another resource you can check out is "". There are
    message forums for the various model lines as well as a "Tech talk"
    forum. Some of the members are current and/or former Saturn techs.

    Eric Smith, Jan 23, 2004
  8. steve

    Eric Smith Guest


    The replies addressed to Dan ARE for you. Sorry about that. I
    haven't had any coffee this morning.

    Eric Smith, Jan 23, 2004
  9. steve

    steve Guest

    Hi Eric thanks for the reply.

    i tried the fix from where you add trans treatment and run
    the car in reverse for 30min. it seem to work although now when cold
    shifting into rev takes a few seconds without any bang. after warmed up it
    shifts into rev without any problem. forward gears are fine.

    steve, Jan 24, 2004
  10. Actually a corroded connector is a good possibility. My '01 with 33K miles
    on it had all the ABS , Brake and Service lights come on one morning.
    The fix was to clean a corroded ground and re-attach it. But, also have them
    do the on the fly diagnostics.

    Computer User, Feb 8, 2004
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