Burnt Buns

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Eric Halpern, Jan 16, 2004.

  1. Eric Halpern

    Eric Halpern Guest

    Actually just the left cheek.

    I have a 2000 L-series wagon with a V6 and 55k on the odo.

    The driver's side leather seat has become painfully hot where my left bun
    touches it. This evening, I smelled something burning and it was me! The
    heater in the seat has developed a hot spot that is so severe that the
    leather now has something that looks like a cigarette burn in it and my
    pants have a spot that matches.

    I can't wait to see how the dealer, Saturn or the aftermarket extended
    warranty company will handle this. I think if I got out and left the car
    running with the seat heater on, the seat would catch fire and take the car
    with it....

    Is this a recall thing?

    The only way to solve it is to replace or reupholster the seat and install a
    new heating element in it.

    Has anyone ever heard of this being a problem before?

    Toasty in Pennsylvania,
    Eric Halpern, Jan 16, 2004
  2. Eric Halpern

    Oppie Guest

    Sorry for the trouble but glad that it's only a burn hole. Please let us
    know what the dealer has to say on this.

    The heating element has some flex to it but if the driver is prone to
    falling into the seat rather than easing into it, may be possible for the
    heat element to stretch beyond normal and fatigue. This stretched area is
    more prone to overheat from the higher localized resistance (smaller
    cross-sectional area). Another possibility is that the heater is pinched
    between the seat and one of the structural supports


    | Actually just the left cheek.
    | I have a 2000 L-series wagon with a V6 and 55k on the odo.
    | The driver's side leather seat has become painfully hot where my left bun
    | touches it. This evening, I smelled something burning and it was me! The
    | heater in the seat has developed a hot spot that is so severe that the
    | leather now has something that looks like a cigarette burn in it and my
    | pants have a spot that matches.
    | I can't wait to see how the dealer, Saturn or the aftermarket extended
    | warranty company will handle this. I think if I got out and left the car
    | running with the seat heater on, the seat would catch fire and take the
    | with it....
    | Is this a recall thing?
    | The only way to solve it is to replace or reupholster the seat and install
    | new heating element in it.
    | Has anyone ever heard of this being a problem before?
    | Toasty in Pennsylvania,
    | Eric
    Oppie, Jan 18, 2004
  3. Eric Halpern

    Tenzo Guest

    Another possibility is that the driver is a fatass.
    Are you a fatass Eric?
    And don't tell us you are big boned.
    Tenzo, Jan 20, 2004
  4. Eric Halpern

    Eric Halpern Guest

    5'10", 205lbs - fatass ??? You tell me !

    My weight has only changed 5lbs in 10 years. Eight years ago cycled 3500
    miles per year on my beloved 12 speed. I think my ass is normal... and the
    seat was assembled poorly.
    Eric Halpern, Jan 20, 2004
  5. I've never had heated seats however I'd think they should NOT burn your butt
    regardless of weight (within reason).

    I'm the same weight at 5'11" - used to be 165 for years and then over the
    course of a few years I 'Blossomed' - however my ass is not fat, it's mostly
    my torso (and some say my head). I refuse to make any link between Ben &
    Jerry's, Guinness and Prime Rib (not in that order) and my 30% body fat
    situation. Although there might be something with the consumption of Mrs.
    See's chocolate's, however I'll take no personal responsibility...

    ....liked your response and had to add some flippancy to the thread. Let us
    know if you get some new info about the seat.
    Jonnie Santos, Jan 21, 2004
  6. Eric Halpern

    Tenzo Guest

    yeah, you would be considered fat. You should drop at least 30 pounds.
    so, yes, you are a fatass.

    Hey, you asked my opinion.
    Perhaps you should spend more time walking than warming your buns on the
    Tenzo, Jan 24, 2004
  7. Eric Halpern

    Eric Halpern Guest

    Tenzo - are you single, do you have small children, do you travel much for
    business? Do be so judgmental until you walk in my shoes........
    Eric Halpern, Jan 24, 2004
  8. brutal

    Jonnie Santos, Jan 24, 2004
  9. Eric Halpern

    Tenzo Guest

    A wise man said:
    " Never criticize a man until you walk a mile in his shoes;
    for then you are a mile away, and have his shoes."

    Listen fatass, if you don't want me to call you fatass then don't ASK me if
    you are a fatass.
    Tenzo, Jan 24, 2004
  10. Eric Halpern

    Kirk Kohnen Guest

    Yup. And, the original post said:
    Apparently, only Eric's left bun is large...
    Kirk Kohnen, Jan 24, 2004
  11. Eric Halpern

    Napalm Heart Guest

    Not that simple. BMI measurement would be more revealing. There are
    plenty of pro football players that are the same size as Eric. T.J.
    Duckett (Atlanta Falcons) is 6'0" and weighs 254 pounds. He's no

    Napalm Heart, Jan 24, 2004
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