Cubic Litres??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Oppie, Oct 7, 2005.

  1. Oppie

    Oppie Guest

    Just saw in another NG that Saab had an advertisement in the magazine 'New
    Scientist' that touted the capacity of their new station wagon. It read
    '1273 cubic litres'.

    Last I knew, volume was given in cubic feet or litres... but cubic litres is
    like taking feet to the ninth power! Something got terribly confused in the
    translation somewhere. Likely due to GMs involvement with Saab now. What's
    next for Saturn?
    Search for '1273' it's way down on a long page
    Oppie, Oct 7, 2005
  2. Oppie

    Ratbert Guest

    That's "New Science" for you.
    Ratbert, Oct 7, 2005
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