Door skins???????

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Marco, Oct 10, 2003.

  1. Marco

    Marco Guest

    My girlfriends brother smashes into a guard rail and the driver side doors,
    fender and rear quater panel is damaged, Is there anyway just to replace the
    outer skin instead of replacing the whole door. To me it looks like it comes

    Has any1 tried it, please let me know.

    Thanks Guys
    Marco, Oct 10, 2003
  2. Marco

    Shawn Guest

    yes you can replace the skins. You can order them through the dealer and
    have them painted after, or go to a scrap yard and they might be able to
    sell you the shells, even the same colour. They migght want to sell the
    whole door though. But the dealer will order the replacement shells and
    It all screws together with torc screws
    Shawn, Oct 10, 2003
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