Front End Plastic Parts

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John Grossbohlin, Oct 3, 2006.

  1. Unless your time isn't worth anything to you, for $230 I wouldn't waste my
    time on B or C...

    Make sure you get fasteners!
    John Grossbohlin, Oct 3, 2006
  2. John Grossbohlin

    teem Guest

    As I reported,a coon attacked my Ion,long story short,Saturn
    recommends 3 parts to replace broken/cracked up parts,one of these
    parts goes completly around the wheel well,what a waste!,the parts guy
    zipped me a copy of a exploded view of the Ion front end which wqas
    very helpful,all 3 parts come out to $230.00.should I A) get the new
    parts & move on,B) go to a junk yard & try there,or C) do a ''duct
    tape job '' until im in the mood to really fix it?.
    teem, Oct 3, 2006
  3. John Grossbohlin

    Doug Miller Guest

    How could anyone else possibly answer that question for you?

    $230 _to_you_ may be pocket change, or it may be a week's pay. I can't tell
    from here.

    _Only_you_ know that.

    You can save a fair chunk of money by buying junkyard parts, but they won't be
    new (which will be apparent), they likely won't have any warranty, and you
    may have to remove them yourself (which means more time, compared to buying
    new parts).

    _Only_you_ can determine if that matters _to_you_, or if it's worth the
    difference in price _to_you_.

    Duct tape is even cheaper, but it will look like s**t, and won't last long

    _Only_you_ can determine if that matters _to_you_, or if it's worth the
    difference in price _to_you_.
    Doug Miller, Oct 3, 2006
  4. John Grossbohlin

    marx404 Guest

    time or money, hmm, if you were gonna use duct tape you might get mistaken
    for a honda <jk>.
    The hardest part of the front end cap is lining them up properly. If you can
    afford it, pay for it, if not, do it yourself, you already have the diagram.
    See a junkyard or 6thplanet used auto parts.
    marx404, Oct 3, 2006
  5. John Grossbohlin

    SnoMan Guest

    Good advise. I just replaced simular parts on my daughters SC2.
    (fender tub and a skirt). It was missing when she bought it and
    without it road dirt and spray goes right into door hinge area which
    is not good. Also on junkyard parts the plastic used in them tends to
    get brittle with age and cracks or breaks easier so you really want
    new. My parts did not cost that much and I got dealer to give me a
    discount too (they were really pretty good about it). One tip, a few
    of her fender clip holes were damaged too so it was not possible to
    secure it properly so I rane a bead of clear silicone rated for
    plactic between insert and fender lip in the questionable ares and it
    yeilded a nice solid installation that still can be removed if need
    SnoMan, Oct 3, 2006
  6. Another thing to consider is that some of the plastic parts support other
    plastic parts and if you leave them flopping around more damage can
    result... put another way, the parts rely on each other for structural
    integrity. In the old days metal would bend but it generally stayed together
    and you could get away without fixing things in a timely fashion. Today more
    damage may result... Course the 36-37 I'm getting with my SL2 on the highway
    is about 30 MPG better than I used to get with the 5,000 lb 455 CID equipped
    behemoth I drove around town in the late 70s. ;~)
    John Grossbohlin, Oct 4, 2006
  7. John Grossbohlin

    teem Guest

    Geez thanks for the surmon!.My time IS valuable to me!,these 3 steps
    were my way of making sure that would happen.These parts are obviouslt
    inter linked,as i was saying abut the wheel well part.$230 is a
    sizable amount,thats why i was cosidering alternates.I guess I'll go
    with getting those pieces,I take pride in my Ion.
    teem, Oct 4, 2006
  8. John Grossbohlin

    SnoMan Guest

    Very true indeed and good advise!
    SnoMan, Oct 4, 2006
  9. John Grossbohlin

    marx404 Guest

    this is a crazy idea, but if you can squeeze it in your budget, this would
    be an opportune time to think about a front end body kit part. I know they
    can be expensive, but maybe a front spoiler lip? Just an idea. Best of luck.

    marx404, Oct 4, 2006
  10. John Grossbohlin

    teem Guest

    thanks gents for the insights,like I said,i was weighing my options.I
    live in ne ohio & am traveling to Missouri for Tgiving,i definatly
    want my ''parts'' togeather before I leave.My insurance won't pay for
    part of this,will they?.
    teem, Oct 5, 2006
  11. Comprehensive would but your deductible would come off the top. Most
    companies would argue that you should have reported it before now though...
    If you submit a claim it would probably make sense to have a body shop do
    the work.
    John Grossbohlin, Oct 5, 2006
  12. John Grossbohlin

    marx404 Guest

    I dont know about your local Saturn shop, but a good one may take thier own
    initiative and work with you and your ins. co. to get a speedy repair and
    get thier retribution back from the ins. co. My old shpo in Stuart di this
    with many ppl after the last 3 hurricanes.

    marx404, Oct 6, 2006
  13. John Grossbohlin

    SnoMan Guest

    Depends on the cause of damage. If it was while driving down the road
    or from another car impact it would be collision. If it was storm,
    fire or vandal damage it would be comprehensive. Both have their own
    deductable though depending on your policy.
    SnoMan, Oct 6, 2006
  14. As I recall he hit a raccoon.... that's comp like it would be if you hit a
    deer (gotten a couple of them over the years).
    John Grossbohlin, Oct 6, 2006
  15. John Grossbohlin

    SnoMan Guest

    I could be wrong but that is collision. ALso while most people do not
    know it you can sue the state (most do it if you ask them enough)
    because if it was a regulated animal for hunting, the state is
    responsible for the damage it causes. They di not tell you that though
    unless you push the issue. You will need a police report at time of
    SnoMan, Oct 6, 2006
  16. This might be dependent upon the state... I know that my claims were paid
    under comp. In fact, the first time it happened I didn't have collision on
    the car as it was rather old. It's one of those "act of God" things.
    John Grossbohlin, Oct 6, 2006
  17. John Grossbohlin

    SnoMan Guest

    Most states do not tell you that they are liable but they are. The key
    here is if you hit a regulated animal. If it is a animal that the
    state names as controlled for hunting or to not hunt, you have grounds
    to file a claim against them because they "control" or "manage" it so
    they are responsible for it.
    SnoMan, Oct 6, 2006
  18. John Grossbohlin

    Steve Guest

    Interesting. My understanding was (at least in the state I was in when I
    heard this) that the opposite is true -- you kill a deer with your car (at
    least outside of hunting season; maybe even during season if you don't have
    a license), you pay a fine for violating the game control law.
    Steve, Oct 6, 2006
  19. John Grossbohlin

    SnoMan Guest

    Law or not I cannot see how that could stand in court if you hit a
    deer. Something very fishy here. If the state did not regulate the
    animal then they can claim they are not liable.
    SnoMan, Oct 6, 2006
  20. John Grossbohlin

    Doug Miller Guest

    I can't imagine that's correct. Anywhere.
    Doug Miller, Oct 6, 2006
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