Little while ago, The motor died on my rear wiper 98 Sw2 died. It's died before, and I've rebuilt it, but that was a gradual thing. This time it was just a full stop. Unfortunately my volt-meter had died and I was waiting for Canadian tire to put them on sale, so I went ahead and bought a used motor from [url][/url] (great service by the way) Long painful story. My motor was fine... One of the tiny wires connecting the mult-function stick in the steering column (I always called them "funky flippers"), had separated. Once you have the steering column housing off (not hard, just irritating due to the depth of some of the bolts inside the housing), it was 10 minutes with a soldering iron and I'm back in business... The moral of the story? Always replace the cheapest part first. ie the %%$#@! volt-meter, in my case.