Humming Tires

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by teem, May 15, 2005.

  1. teem

    teem Guest

    I just had my tires rotated last month,lately,the front tires are
    making a humming noise after 30 mph,is this from being on the backs?,a
    wear in thing?. Thanks.
    teem, May 15, 2005
  2. teem

    The Real Tom Guest

    Some times rear and front tires have different air pressure
    requirements. Check that first! For some reason, when my saturn
    dealership 'checks' my tires the OVER inflate my rear ones. Yeah,
    professionals. ;)

    Also, I'm figuring that since you rotated the tires, you checked wear
    paterns and ruled out any serverely abnormal wear paterns(indicating
    bad alignments and damaged tires), so you might have some small
    abnormal wear paterns(like cupping wear from wrong air pressures).
    The point of rotating tires is to allow even wearing of the patern, so
    I would just give it time and let it get in the groove. Just monitor
    over time and see if it declines.


    Tom @
    The Real Tom, May 15, 2005
  3. teem

    teem Guest

    I did check the tire pressure & they both were almost 40 pounds!,&
    firestone did the rotation!,I let air out a little ,but they still do
    the hum.they must of worn differently when the were on the back,there
    was no abnormal wear on any tire.thanks againOn Sun, 15 May 2005
    teem, May 16, 2005
  4. teem

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Were they rotated across sides or were they kept on the same side and just F
    to R? Some sport tires require they be kept on the same side.

    Bob Shuman, May 16, 2005
  5. teem

    Napalm Heart Guest

    Were the tires cold when you checked the pressure? Are they a stock
    spec tire? When I put ContiExtremeContacts on our '96 SL2 the stock
    tire pressure settings weren't adequate. Way too soft at stock


    Napalm Heart, May 16, 2005
  6. teem

    The Real Tom Guest

    40 Pounds! I'm guessing these aren't low riders either.

    Well I had my tires checked and they too were over inflated. This
    caused the center of the tire to wear more than the edges. When I
    fixed it(after driving on them for a while), they 'cupped' and I
    noticied a strange noise comming from them. Thought it was a bearing,
    and after some checking around, the mechanics said the 'cupped' tires
    will make noise till they wear down even. I watched the pressures and
    rotated the tiries, and all is find now.

    Ok, if you don't think it's the tires, then a good guess could have
    you leaning towards alignment or bearing issues. I would jack the car
    and rule out bearing and rubbing components, but that's me. So, you
    have to make the guess now.

    Sorry couldn't help futher,

    tom @
    The Real Tom, May 16, 2005
  7. teem

    The Real Tom Guest

    Wow saw this post and I completely forgot. Check for direction marks
    on the tires.

    Good job Bob!


    The Real Tom, May 16, 2005
  8. teem

    Box134 Guest

    They're probably humming because they don't know the words!
    Box134, May 18, 2005
  9. teem

    Oppie Guest

    Either that or they're off of a hummer
    Oppie, May 18, 2005
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