License Plate

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Zaphod, Oct 25, 2003.

  1. Zaphod

    Zaphod Guest

    The two plastic clips on the rear of my car, a 95 SL1 are broken so that the
    license plate is now just kind of hanging there but not really attached to
    the car. I have been to 3 places (Advanced auto part, Wal-Mart and
    AutoZone) to buy some replacement clips so that I could secure the license

    At non of these places have I been able to find clips that actually fit my
    car. The packaging on the clips I have bought all say about the same thing,
    that they will fit all or most cars (depending on the brand) only I find
    that they are too wide, or too short or too something and just won't snap
    into place. Does anyone know if these clips are a specialty part that one
    can only get from the dealership?

    Zaphod, Oct 25, 2003
  2. Zaphod

    Mark Hersman Guest

    UMMMMMMM how about your local Saturn dealer?
    Mark Hersman, Oct 26, 2003
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