Metalic noise from 97 SC2

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Hal97, May 30, 2006.

  1. Hal97

    Hal97 Guest

    Last month I suddenly started hearing a metalic noise that sounds like
    it's coming from the rear wheels. The noise is rythmic and repeated
    over and over only when the car is in motion.
    The noise is similiar to that of a knife blade being sharpened on a
    stone if that make any sense.

    I realize that asking about a noise problem on this group is not the
    best way to deal with this problem because you can't hear the noise but
    I was just wondering if anyone else has encountered this.
    Hal97, May 30, 2006
  2. Hal97

    BläBlä Guest

    Put it on jack stands, give the wheels a spin and look. Inspect your
    brakes while you're there.
    BläBlä, May 31, 2006
  3. Hal97

    Hal97 Guest

    Ok, I've been meaning to try that. What should I be looking for?
    Hal97, May 31, 2006
  4. Hal97

    p_vouers Guest

    sounds likethe rear brake linings are worn down to almost nothing
    p_vouers, May 31, 2006
  5. Hal97

    Hal97 Guest

    I put the car on jacks and took the wheels off.Sure enough, when I spun
    the right rear wheel I heard that scraping noise. Could worn brake
    produce such a noise while the car is moving and the brakes are not
    being used? As a matter of fact the noise would stop when the brakes
    were pumped when this first started happening. Now the noise happens
    either way.
    Could it be that the bake pad has broken and is scraping the wheel?
    Hal97, Jun 1, 2006
  6. Hal97

    Bob Shuman Guest

    More than likely you have worn the brake shoes down to the rivets and they
    are beginning to destroy the rear drum(s). The first sound you heard was
    designed as a signal to get them looked at. At this point you may no longer
    be able to resurface the drums and need to replace them (extra $$).


    I put the car on jacks and took the wheels off.Sure enough, when I spun
    the right rear wheel I heard that scraping noise. Could worn brake
    produce such a noise while the car is moving and the brakes are not
    being used? As a matter of fact the noise would stop when the brakes
    were pumped when this first started happening. Now the noise happens
    either way.
    Could it be that the bake pad has broken and is scraping the wheel?
    Bob Shuman, Jun 1, 2006
  7. Hal97

    BläBlä Guest

    Hmmmmm $20 bucks to turn each drum or $14.99 each + tax for new ones? No
    loss there. :)
    BläBlä, Jun 1, 2006
  8. Hal97

    Hal97 Guest

    To close this thread I took the car to my mechanic. It turn out that
    the rear caliper was locked and it was scraping the pads against the
    I had him do a complete front and rear brake job and it breaks down
    like this.
    Parts and labor for complete front brake job and resurface rotors.
    Clean and bleed front calipers.....$245

    Parts and labor for complete rear brake job and installed new rear
    rotors and adjust emergency brake....$245

    2 new rotors...$91 ea.
    brake fluid cleaner ...$15

    I new caliper complete...$219

    Hope I didn't get ripped off.

    Thanks for all your replies.
    Hal97, Jun 2, 2006
  9. Hal97

    BläBlä Guest

    The rotors were pretty high for sure (OEM dealership price?) and I
    wouldnt "turn" anything these days. Everything else seems to be in the
    upper medium. 15 dollar brake fluid cleaner? Clean brake fluid I'm
    guessing. It could of been done for less certainly but I dont think you
    were ripped off so long as they did a good job and back up their work.
    BläBlä, Jun 2, 2006
  10. Hal97

    Hal97 Guest

    Yeah, he said that the brakes were good for 40,000 miles. Everything
    seems to be4 working ok.
    Hal97, Jun 2, 2006
  11. Hal97

    Bob Shuman Guest


    From the content of the post, I assumed he was having the work done and not
    doing it himself. Most dealerships/service garages charge a whole lot more
    (as the OP found out) for new drums/discs (I assumed they were drum brakes
    when the later post makes it clear they were discs, but the bottom line is
    the same ... just replacing rotors instead of drums) then for resurfacing.

    On the $15 drums, these are the "generic white box specials" made in China
    and, in my opinion, of questionable quality. I pay a little more and use US
    made NAPA drums and rotors. For me, I do the work myself and resurface
    them ($15 ea) every other change before replacing the following time.

    I am not trying to fault your method since it works for you ... just trying
    to explain my original reply to his post.

    Bob Shuman, Jun 2, 2006
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