more Saturn complaints (casting flaws cause cracked heads)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by misterfact, Apr 12, 2008.

  1. misterfact

    SMS Guest

    Yes, they could have at least covered the original owner for the full
    amount and subsequent owners for a partial amount. Back when VW had 10
    year warranties on engine and power train it transferred to subsequent
    owners at only five years.
    Because the S series was never profitable, and doing new versions of it
    only for Saturn and no other divisions would have been hugely expensive.
    No mass market, low cost vehicle can sell in quantities as small as
    Saturn sold the S series and ever recoup the development and tooling
    costs. The S series had fallen way behind the competition in areas such
    as crash safety. They could have done a new version as a joint effort
    with GM and still called it the SL, SC, SW, whatever, but there were too
    many negative connotations to previous buyers that had experienced
    reliability issues.
    Well using the Corolla name anyway. The Corolla of today bears little
    resemblance to the original Corolla.
    Well Toyota doesn't sell the Corolla wagon anymore either. They want
    people to buy SUVs. But I guess the Scion XB qualifies as a wagon, as
    does the Matrix sort of.
    SMS, Apr 23, 2008
  2. misterfact

    Private Guest

    We can debate why the S series was not more profitable, but I suspect that
    it had more to do with management and marketing than engineering, or cost

    I have been very satisfied with the usability, utility, economy and
    reliability of the SW1, I will not be replacing it with any SUV. The VW
    Golf and Jetta look very good but the rising Euro will make them pricey. I
    will buy what I want to buy and not just what a seller has or wishes to sell
    me. Oil hit close to $120/barrel today and I suspect we will not see <$100
    again, I am glad I do not need to sell (or buy fuel for) a Hummer or pickup

    I am reminded of the difference between marketing and selling, marketing is
    having what the customer wants and selling is attempting to do business with
    what you have.

    Saturn (and GM) no longer has what I want to buy, which is an economical,
    small, light and fuel efficient mini-wagon.

    Just my .02, YMand needsMV
    Private, Apr 23, 2008
  3. misterfact

    SMS Guest

    Private wrote:
    At one point Saturn claimed an "operating profit" which means that if
    they ignored the several hundred million dollars in development and
    start-up costs they were making a profit. Clearly they couldn't keep
    doing this over and over again, since GM wouldn't pay for such nonsense.
    It was always amusing to see people complaining that GM wasn't allowing
    Saturn to do its own designs anymore, as if GM was supposed to pour cash
    into the division forever with no hope of ever seeing a monetary return
    on the investment.

    One reason Toyota is so profitable is that they build massive numbers of
    each design in multiple factories all over the world so they amortize
    the development costs. These days if you can't sell a few million of
    each design then you don't do the design. That's why GM decided that
    Saturn would no longer do designs solely for Saturn.
    SMS, Apr 23, 2008
  4. misterfact

    Doug Miller Guest

    It's not the steel causing the corrosion of the aluminum, it's the salt.
    Specifically the chlorine in the salt.
    Doug Miller, Apr 23, 2008
  5. misterfact

    Private Guest

    I readily admit that I am not a corrosion engineer, but to my uneducated
    experience this seems to be a classic case of galvanic corrosion,
    occurring between two dissimilar metals (steel and aluminum) in the presence
    of an electrolyte (road salt + water).
    Since aluminum is lower than steel in the galvanic series,
    the aluminum will act as the anode and cause aluminum ions to migrate to the
    steel which is acting as the cathode.

    This galvanic corrosion is in addition to the normal corrosion that would be
    experienced by the aluminum caused by exposure to the road salt + water
    solution, (which may also have a galvanic component depending on any other
    elements present in the solution).

    I note that zinc (and cadmium) is lower than aluminum (and steel) in the
    galvanic series so zinc plated galvanized bolts would seem to cause the
    anode/cathode relationship to reverse, at least until the galvanic corrosion
    of the zinc anode exposes the steel and reverses the anode/cathode to again
    favor corrosion to occur in the aluminum, I suspect that this process gets
    quite confused and contributes to accelerated corrosion of all the metals.

    Just MHU, if I am misunderstanding this process, please enlighten me.
    Private, Apr 23, 2008
  6. misterfact

    Doug Miller Guest

    When aluminum and carbon steel are fastened together and gotten wet *without*
    salt, it's the steel that corrodes, not the aluminum.

    Salt will cause damn near anything to corrode.
    Doug Miller, Apr 23, 2008
  7. misterfact

    T. Rex Guest

    You understand the process; what you're missing is that the steel bolts
    aren't actually in contact with aluminum at all. Aluminum oxidizes so
    rapidly when exposed to air that virtually all aluminum objects are
    covered with a very thin layer of aluminum oxide. *That* is what the
    steel bolts are in contact with. And aluminum oxide is a very stable
    compound, not readily reactive at all. That's why under normal
    circumstances, it will be the steel that corrodes and not the aluminum.

    Adding salt changes everything: chlorine is even more corrosive than
    oxygen, and free chloride ions will attack even aluminum oxide.
    T. Rex, Apr 26, 2008
  8. misterfact

    misterfact Guest

    WRONG! The steel heads on the bolts on my car remained intact. The
    hole in the aluminum shields rusted out to the point where they became
    bigger than the bolt.
    misterfact, Apr 28, 2008
  9. misterfact

    Doug Miller Guest

    Post a photo.
    Doug Miller, Apr 29, 2008
  10. Yep. I work for Saturn. I hate to see people lie about a great
    company! Saturn makes great cars.I'de love to beat some sense into
    misterfact (Mike Korman), but since I'm too stupid and lazy to refute
    anything he says with facts; and I'm too cowardly to go over to his
    house and re-arrange his brain-I decided to go to a lot of expence and
    waste my precious time to find out who he is, where he lives and his
    phone number-then plaster it all over the internet..

    That way someone else might go over to his house and do the job for
    me, or else call him up in the middle of the night.

    I guess I could sue him for defaming the company, but that means
    I'de have to face him in court and document all his lies, which again,
    I don't know how to do or am to lazy to do. Then too, he'd get MY name
    and address!

    rnisterfactLIES, Apr 29, 2008
  11. misterfactLIES...

    .I work for Saturn. I hate to see people lie about a great company!
    Saturn makes great cars.I'de love to beat some sense into misterfact
    (Mike Korman), but since I'm too stupid and lazy to refute anything he
    says with facts; and I'm too cowardly to go over to his house and re-
    arrange his brain-I decided to go to a lot of expense and waste my
    precious time to find out who he is, where he lives and his phone
    number-then plaster it all over the internet..

    That way someone else might go over to his house and do the job for
    me, or else call him up in the middle of the night.

    I guess I could sue him for defaming the company, but that means
    I'de have to face him in court and document all his lies, which again,
    I don't know how to do or am to lazy to do. Then too, he'd get my name
    and address!

    rnisterfactLIES, Apr 29, 2008
  12. misterfact

    marx404 Guest

    Ug, I just wore out my scroll button. adding another one to my block list,
    marx404, Apr 30, 2008
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