New to group-97 SL2 no start

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by ffr1910, Feb 14, 2005.

  1. ffr1910

    ffr1910 Guest

    First let me thank everyone for all of the help I have received so far
    from reading past posts. I need a little help with my "new" purchase. I
    bought the car with 90K miles and a blown engine. Compression check
    confirmed the blown engine. I put in a "new" engine from a junk yard.
    The engine will turn over but it will not start. I have checked so
    far-the fuel pump, it goes to about 20 then 30 during the start
    sequence and holds 42psi during the cranking phase. I have checked the
    ignition and I have spark on all wires. I squirted fuel into the PCV
    valve hose and then tried to crank the engine. It started and ran for a
    few seconds and then stopped. I do not have the ability to take it
    somewhere to have the codes checked as it does not run, and the battery
    was out for several days so they are probably erased anyway. It sounds
    like everything is working except the injectors. Anyone have any ideas?
    Thank you in advance,

    Bill A.
    ffr1910, Feb 14, 2005
  2. ffr1910

    Bob Shuman Guest

    I'd suspect the computer or one of the sensors that it uses to determine
    engine timing. (Of course you indicate the plugs are firing, so I would
    think it is getting timing.) I'm not familiar with your model engine, but
    if the computer is working correctly, then I would suspect the crankshaft or
    camshaft position sensor.

    At this point, I'd say to make sure you have all the sensor and the EFI
    connectors on and they are all clean and tight. Also make sure the computer
    module connections and the grounds look good too.

    Good luck

    Bob Shuman, Feb 14, 2005
  3. ffr1910

    ffr1910 Guest

    Turns out that some water had gotten in the replacement engine's intake
    and rusted three of four injectors. I put in the old injectors and it
    fired right up.

    ffr1910, Feb 15, 2005
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