No Heat

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John, Jan 8, 2006.

  1. John

    John Guest

    I have a 1997 Saturn. The temp. gauge runs at a 1/4. Don't get any heat.
    Blower fan works. Any ideas, help is appreciated. Thanks
    John, Jan 8, 2006
  2. John

    o-dawg Guest

    o-dawg, Jan 8, 2006
  3. John

    James1549 Guest

    I would try thermostat first. Gauge should run between 1/4 mark and 1/2
    mark while driving down the road with air going thru the radiator.

    If that doesn't do it, I would flush / backflush heater core, try

    A typical partially clogged heater core symptom is hot water going in,
    luke warm coming out. If a heater core is operating properly, you can
    NOT feel the difference between the inlet and outlet temperatures.

    I don't believe that the '97 uses a heater control valve so that should
    not be an issue. The only other problem could be the air temperature
    mixing door in the vent system, in the dash. Does the temperature
    slider control feel like it is working? resistance?

    James1549, Jan 9, 2006
  4. John

    James1549 Guest

    I would try thermostat first. Gauge should run between 1/4 mark and 1/2
    mark while driving down the road with air going thru the radiator.

    If that doesn't do it, I would flush / backflush heater core, try

    A typical partially clogged heater core symptom is hot water going in,
    luke warm coming out. If a heater core is operating properly, you can
    NOT feel the difference between the inlet and outlet temperatures.

    I don't believe that the '97 uses a heater control valve so that should
    not be an issue. The only other problem could be the air temperature
    mixing door in the vent system, in the dash. Does the temperature
    slider control feel like it is working? resistance?

    James1549, Jan 9, 2006
  5. John

    James1549 Guest

    I would try thermostat first. Gauge should run between 1/4 mark and 1/2
    mark while driving down the road with air going thru the radiator.

    If that doesn't do it, I would flush / backflush heater core, try

    A typical partially clogged heater core symptom is hot water going in,
    luke warm coming out. If a heater core is operating properly, you can
    NOT feel the difference between the inlet and outlet temperatures.

    I don't believe that the '97 uses a heater control valve so that should
    not be an issue. The only other problem could be the air temperature
    mixing door in the vent system, in the dash. Does the temperature
    slider control feel like it is working? resistance?

    James1549, Jan 9, 2006
  6. David Teichholtz, Jan 9, 2006
  7. thermostat. period.
    TheLastDonSC2, Jan 9, 2006
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