No spark on 97 SL2

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by miskier, Feb 18, 2005.

  1. miskier

    miskier Guest

    I am not getting any spark on my 97 SL2. The car was running great,
    then it just wouldn't start when I tried to go home after work. I've
    already replaced the Crank Position Sensor and the Ignition Control
    Should I be able to see engine speed on the tachometer while cranking?
    The tach doesn't move. The connection between the crank sensor and the
    PCM connector is good and I've checked all the fuses as well.
    It seems unlikely that both coils would fail at the same time, and that
    still wouldn't explain why there's no engine rpm on the tach.
    I'd hate to try a new PCM. Even worse - I'd hate to take it to a shop.
    Any ideas or suggestion would be greatly appreciated. My pride is at
    stake here ;)

    miskier, Feb 18, 2005
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