oil stuff

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mephistopheles Jones, Jul 12, 2004.

  1. Hi all,

    I've got a 1993 SL2 manual 144,000 miles. First a quick question: do you
    guys pay $5/qt for the Mobil 5W30 synthetic oil? I can't seem to find it
    cheaper anywhere else. I'm in Los Angeles, by the way.

    Also, are all oil filters the same? Instead of buying the cheapest one at
    Autozone, I bought the next to cheapest one. Bad idea?

    Thanks for reading.

    Mephistopheles Jones, Jul 12, 2004
  2. Mephistopheles Jones

    Bob Shuman Guest

    I buy Mobil 1 by the 6 quart case at Sam's Club and use on one of my
    vehicles. I believe it is around $4.50 a quart.

    On the oil filter, I buy Purolator brand for all my vehicles since I've had
    good luck with them and based on what I've read they do a better job of
    filtering and the manufacturing quality is higher. I buy the Purolator Pure
    One (blue box) brand at about $4 each and stock up when they go on sale.
    I've also used the regular Purolator filter (white box) and these can
    usually be had for about $3 each where I live in Illinois.

    As mentioned above, I don't use the Mobil 1 in all of our vehicles (there
    are 5) since it would be too expensive! I generally use Valvoline (10W30
    summer and 5W30 winter) in the Saturn and most of the others as well. This
    doesn't seem to be a problem since the engines have 128K, 121K, 68K, 56K,
    and 34K miles and we've had no major engine problems of any kind. The Mobil
    1/Synthetic is great, but at 4 times the price of regular oil and changing
    every 3K miles I'd go broke!

    Bob Shuman, Jul 12, 2004
  3. Mephistopheles Jones

    Tim Shoppa Guest

    No offense (I have a 92 SL1), but the car isn't worth enough to
    justify putting synthetic into it at this point. Maybe if you
    really abuse the engine (high-speed driving for long stretches... I-15...)

    At one point I tried to justify using synthetic transmission fluid (towing,
    etc.) but I can't justify that anymore myself.
    I used to like the cheap Fram's, but their quality has gone downhill
    greatly in the past decade. Lately I've putting AC/Delco oil filters
    on. (PF53) Only a little more money than the Fram's.

    Tim Shoppa, Jul 12, 2004
  4. Well, two things: my gas mileage recently dropped significantly on my
    last trip up to the Bay Area (used to be 31+ mpg, now it was 26 mpg, but
    maybe it was because I was due for an oil change?) so I thought I'd see if
    the synthetic would correct it. Also, I plan to be driving this car for
    the next ten years, as long as it can pass the emissions tests, so to me
    it's worth spending an extra $10 every 3 months on my present car (if it
    extends life) than spending $1000 every 3 months on a car payment.

    By the way, does driving 100 mph count as high speed? Everyone does this
    on long trips, no?
    Thanks! I think I bought a Fram, because the can was orange and it had a
    neat little grip. Will keep my eyes open next time.
    Mephistopheles Jones, Jul 12, 2004
  5. Not sure if you're being saracastic or not, but to answer your question:
    Around here (Ohio) they call that reckless op and may take your
    license from you. With all the construction we have in this state, even
    without citing reckless op, that fine will probably run well over 500$
    if you get caught in an orange barrel zone doing >55mph.

    I had a 1986 Jeep Cherokee whose speedometer only read up to 85mph on
    I-95 near Miami a few years back. I think I was doing 90mph and
    couldn't keep up with traffic. Total insanity.

    richard hornsby, Jul 12, 2004
  6. Mephistopheles Jones

    Blah blah Guest

    Traffic was moving at 90+ mph in ohio? NO WAY! I keep getting the idiots
    that do 50 on the highway and merge onto the highway doing 35. You sure
    you live in Ohio?
    Blah blah, Jul 12, 2004
  7. Yeah, I was being sarcastic ;)
    I think it's a little different here out west, where you have long freeway
    stretches of nothingness. Seems to me the only people who get
    stopped for speeding on I5 or I10 to Phoenix are people who drive
    recklessly. Once I was driving about 90, with traffic, and a car just
    ahead of me who was changing lanes dangerously got pulled over. Also, the
    stability in newer cars is amazing. I once rented a Maxima that I ended up
    driving 90+ mph while thinking I was driving 60mph-- it was a really
    smooth ride.
    I remember when I was a teenager and driving close to 100mph was the
    scariest thing. But today, some people may have a car that handles at
    100mph as well as other cars at 30mph.

    Mephistopheles Jones, Jul 12, 2004
  8. LOL, no, that was Miami Florida a few years ago. :)

    richard hornsby, Jul 12, 2004
  9. Mephistopheles Jones

    Blah blah Guest

    Oh my bad, i was thinking miami county. Must of been summer or spring
    break. I cant see Florida, a big retirement state, having drivers doing
    Blah blah, Jul 12, 2004
  10. Mephistopheles Jones

    arthur Guest

    I just bought Mobil 1 5W30 for $3.79 / qt. at Walmart yesterday (regular
    price - not on sale).
    arthur, Jul 13, 2004
  11. Mephistopheles Jones

    Tim Shoppa Guest

    On I-15 up through California you pretty much have to get to 80MPH
    just to merge in.

    They are fairly respectful drivers despite their high speeds... but they
    do not like to slow down, and you do occasionally see on the news where a
    fog bank caused a 80-car pileup in central California.

    Tim Shoppa, Jul 13, 2004
  12. Mephistopheles Jones

    Tim Shoppa Guest

    Oil changes are good... but won't make that much difference in mileage.

    *If* you were going to go to 30K mile change invervals and doing it
    with synthetic, then it'd be a win. But I doubt that is what you're
    trying to do.
    If you've been changing the oil every 3 months for the past decade, you've
    already been treating the engine pretty nicely. IMHO switching to synthetic
    at this point would only make sense if you were going to some really long
    oil change interval, and even then I'm not sure that's better than what
    you've been doing.

    You probably do want to stick your head under the hood every couple of
    months. Lots of rubber things will be near the end of their lives most
    likely, and you want to catch them before they leave you stranded.

    Tim Shoppa, Jul 13, 2004
  13. Mephistopheles Jones

    Blah blah Guest

    144,000 would be awful late to bother switching to synthetic. To much
    engine wear has already occurred. You could still mix in one quart with
    every service to add a little advantage. You can also buy oil filters
    with doses of ptfe (aka teflon). If you burn oil though I wouldnt
    recommend it. Teflon takes out cat converters.
    Blah blah, Jul 13, 2004
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