one-time ABS wierdness drains battery?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Server 13, Jul 31, 2007.

  1. Server 13

    Server 13 Guest

    Hi all, this is a strange one.

    I left to pay a bill in my '96 SW2 wagon, and at the first intersection,
    about when I always get the short wierd wind-up noise each trip that I'm
    told is the ABS system, I got some traction control thumps (with indicator
    light) instead, and my brake and ABS warning lights came on. I noticed I
    could still brake so I went on and paid the bill. The brake and ABS warning
    lights stayed on through the 10 mile drive.

    When I came out from paying the bill (about 5 min.), I had a dead battery,
    which could barely lock the doors. It was as if my alternator had quit at
    the beginning of the trip, but a 10 minute jump did nothing at all. So I
    went and bought a battery, installed it, then started the car with it. No
    warning lights, normal operation ever since. It's been 4 days.

    Any ideas what the heck happened, and what I should watch for? I won't be
    taking any trips with the brake and ABS lights on again, that's for sure.
    Server 13, Jul 31, 2007
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