"open loop" problem with 2000 SL1

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Paul Swinderman, May 11, 2004.

  1. on friday I encounted a problem with my saturn that seems to have
    mushroomed to something bigger. I was accelerating up a hill and when
    the car hit 40 it began shuddering like it was out of gas even though
    it wasn't. I noticed it didn't do this while coasting. I dropped it
    off at a garage that was recommended to me by a lot of people and
    found out from them today the computer in the car is complaining about
    5 or 6 diagnostic codes ranging from low coolant which obviously isn't
    true because the fluid is fine, and the fuel mix being off. Also
    apperently the "body control computer" isn't functioning properly and
    isn't talking to the "ECM" and is causing the car to run in an open
    loop. They asked if the check engine light ever came on which it
    hasn't or any other lights stop working or start working. THe only
    thing I've noticed in the last 8 months or so is that the little green
    light for the daytime running lights stopped working which I ignored
    because it bugged me anyways. My Saturn has about 59k miles on it and
    this is the first problem I've had with it. Anyone else have any
    similar problems or know if this is common?


    Paul Swinderman, May 11, 2004
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