Punishing GM for killing electric car

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bret Ludwig, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. Bret Ludwig

    Bret Ludwig Guest

    $1500 a car for health insurance? I would like to see them prove that.
    I think it's hooey.
    But, the expensive parts of the electric car are the batteries, and GM
    would buy, not build these, from overseas probably. High labor is an
    argument FOR building high build cost low volume high margin producr,
    and let's face it, if a sleb will pay $100K for a electric car they
    will probably pay $125K.

    GM's luxury and sports cars are underpriced anyway. The top Corvette
    should be in Ferrari territory pricewise or Corvette isn't to be taken
    seriously (which it isn't).
    Bret Ludwig, Jul 18, 2006
  2. Bret Ludwig

    Box134 Guest

    It sounds like you've been watching the PBS program Now. They had multiple
    conspiracy theories, all based on junk science, or more like no science.
    Right now it's technically infeasible to store enough energy in batteries to
    make an electric car useful for the majority of people, so they won't buy
    them. Maybe some day, but I doubt it. They've tried multiple chemistries for
    batteries and there are only so many possibilities. Nothing beats liquid
    fuels for energy density.

    I'd love an electric car, but I want transportation, not a hobby.
    Box134, Jul 18, 2006
  3. Bret Ludwig

    Gary Guest

    Really when you think about it, if GM abandoned the car, who would service
    it? How many techs do they train, and where do they station them? How many
    parts do they stock for repairs? Even if GM sold them at the end of the
    trial, the buyers would be left with an electric Yugo.
    Gary, Jul 22, 2006
  4. Bret Ludwig

    Bret Ludwig Guest

    The same people who service the converted electric cars and DIY
    conversions available now. The buyers know these are a esoteric thing.
    They wanted them anyway.

    Quit sticking up for GM. They are a bully needing an asskicking.
    Bret Ludwig, Jul 23, 2006
  5. And ... the eco-Nazis are even bigger bullies, who have cost the
    American public untold billions of $$ with their incessant wild goose
    chases and unwarranted requirements, such as:

    oxygenates in the fuel
    electric cars
    mass transit
    destruction of the American nuclear power industry
    super-restrictive smog inspections, even on cars that were manufactured
    pre-emission control
    blocking of freeway improvements
    Orval Fairbairn, Jul 23, 2006
  6. Bret Ludwig

    SnoMan Guest

    That was well know and that was for 2005, I am not making this up. GM
    has very liberale insurance benifits at basically no cost to employees
    and it is starting to bleed them a lot. Below is a old link that took
    10 seconds to find with a search engine (there are a a lot more) that
    state GM's insurance costs in 2005. It will be higher in 2006. You
    should read more before making some claims.

    SnoMan, Jul 23, 2006
  7. Bret Ludwig

    mmo Guest

    Well if all you People that there company's don't pay there health
    insurance would pay there own insurance in stead of going to the
    hospital and getting there health care for free. Then the hospitals
    wouldn't have to charge inflated rates to the people that have company
    sponsored insurance to cover you slackers.
    Hay I'm a UAW member and I do have to pay into my health insurance plan!!
    Maybe the mass out there might want to start organizing and take back
    some of the company's profits and CEO wages. No that not right I really
    want to pay for my own insurance and while were at it just take me out
    of the middle class and beat me with a stick..
    mmo, Jul 23, 2006
  8. Bret Ludwig

    Bret Ludwig Guest

    mmo wrote:
    Middle class people pay an insurance deductible and a copay and a big
    deduction out of their check. UAW health benefits and those of
    executives both need cutting back.
    Bret Ludwig, Jul 25, 2006
  9. Bret Ludwig

    SnoMan Guest

    Check out the link below

    SnoMan, Jul 25, 2006
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