S-series alloy rim defrcts

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by marx404, Aug 28, 2005.

  1. marx404

    marx404 Guest

    Has anyone ever had any issues with S-series rims having a slight warp or
    being out of round? My '94 SL2 and now my '02 SC2 has one rim that has a
    very slight wobble that is only notoceable when the wheel is put on the
    balancing machine. er, I notice the very slight wobble from said wheel when
    driving over 60 mph) I had everything checked out all is perfect, 'cept one
    rim, I was told that this was a common occurance with S-series alloys, that
    they commonly came from the factory slightly out of round.

    To aleviate this, I have had to have my wheels road force balanced. Then the
    ride is perfectly smooth.

    marx404, Aug 28, 2005
  2. marx404

    James1549 Guest

    First I heard of it. My '92 has had no problems and I balance them

    James1549, Aug 30, 2005
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