saturn delco radio '93 sw2

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by user, Jun 13, 2005.

  1. user

    user Guest

    Lately, my radio seems to cut-out, or nearly so. Then after
    hitting a solid bump in the road, it sometimes regains it's
    volume. I took it out and the wiring & connections appear OK.
    Tried moving the antenna a bit too. Is there some simple
    possible solution to this. Kinda miss the radio just when it
    cuts out like that. Banging the dash has, at times, brought it
    out of it's sudden silence. Do Delco radio's go bad like that?
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
    user, Jun 13, 2005
  2. user

    marx404 Guest

    Perhaps check the quality of the ground connector wire, ensure no rust or
    paint is covering the connecting area. I haven't heard of any Saturn radios
    with known problems, but stuff happens.

    Also, next time the radio goes out, try gently tapping the knobs to see if
    there may be a short somewhere inside. Shorts can happen w any radio.

    marx404, Jun 13, 2005
  3. user

    user Guest

    I tried hitting knobs and that didn't do anything. This ground
    wire you speak of,I am wondering where that would be as I
    haven't seen one, only the cable connector and the antenna wire
    connector. Will pull it again and see if there is a lug
    connector for a ground. Thanks.....
    user, Jun 13, 2005
  4. user

    James1549 Guest

    My '92 had the radio mess up a few years back. I bought a used OEM
    radio off eBay for around $20. It turned out to be an upgrade from what
    I had. It has worked perfect for nearly 3 years now.

    James1549, Jun 18, 2005
  5. user

    user Guest

    I'm beginning to think the radio is messed up. The AM seems to
    crap out then explode back on real loud and yet the FM seems OK.
    Maybe I'll look about for one to replace this one. What do you
    mean by an 'upgrade' from the one you had? Just curious whether
    they(Saturn) improved them at some point and now market/sell a
    newer, improved, or, updated version.
    user, Jun 18, 2005
  6. user

    James1549 Guest

    My original radio did not have an equalizer built in, this one does.
    And I suspect the output power is much higher because of the better
    sound it provides. My Saturn connection (parts guy) told me to stay
    away from any OEM CD players from those years - nothing but problems.

    James1549, Jun 18, 2005
  7. user

    user Guest

    Mine has the equalizer & the CD player. Haven't ever tried to
    use the CD player. Just the radio volume seems to crap out.
    Banging on the dash does make the volume pop back up at times.
    Makes me think there is just a poor connection somewhere, so
    I'll retry to find it once the weather improves.
    user, Jun 19, 2005
  8. user

    James1549 Guest

    On some radios it is common for the volume control get a poor
    connection. Try this first:

    Take the volume knob off and try to spray some tuner cleaner or WD40
    into the control while turning it. You may have to take the radio out
    of the car, remove part of the case to gain proper access to spray the
    volume control.

    In the end, I think you will end up getting another radio...

    James1549, Jun 21, 2005
  9. user

    user Guest

    I thought it was the AM only, now I see this is happening with
    the FM also. Thought of trying the cleaner that Radio Shack
    sells only it was nearly $10.00 plus tax for a tiny can. Boy,
    what inflation! Might as well get another radio at the junk yard
    for $15.00 or less, maybe.
    user, Jun 21, 2005
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