Saturn hopes to beat Honda, Toyota in hybrid sales

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by iwhtcimtlfmwmaomopw, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. iwhtcimtlfmwmaomopw

    Doug Miller Guest

    Doug Miller, Mar 1, 2007
  2. iwhtcimtlfmwmaomopw

    SnoMan Guest

    It must be your client because I see no seperate thread here ever by
    me unless I start one but I do see seperate threads created by others
    when they do so. My software is working from my perspective and I have
    been using Agent for over 10 years now too and you are the only one to
    complain so perhaps you should look in your own backyard.
    SnoMan, Mar 1, 2007
  3. iwhtcimtlfmwmaomopw

    SnoMan Guest

    Please get a life....
    SnoMan, Mar 1, 2007
  4. iwhtcimtlfmwmaomopw

    SnoMan Guest

    Now it is name calling huh? WHo is the real BoZo here?
    SnoMan, Mar 1, 2007
  5. iwhtcimtlfmwmaomopw

    Doug Miller Guest

    You did it again...

    Doug Miller, Mar 1, 2007
  6. iwhtcimtlfmwmaomopw

    Doug Miller Guest

    This has been explained to you repeatedly. Go to Google Groups and LOOK AT
    YOUR POSTS. It's YOUR CLIENT that's putting that stuff in there.
    Obviously you've had it configured incorrectly for ten years.
    FALSE -- and you know it. At least two other people have raised the same issue
    with you in this newsgroup.
    Nope. Problem is entirely with the configuration of your client. Not my fault
    you're unable to figure that out -- I tried.
    Doug Miller, Mar 1, 2007
  7. iwhtcimtlfmwmaomopw

    Bob Shuman Guest


    I also see the same problem with your subject line headers that Doug has
    repeatedly pointed out and presume that others see this as well. Although
    it does not affect my newsreader and the threads display correctly, I agree
    that your configuration is not quite right and deserves looking into.

    Bob Shuman, Mar 1, 2007
  8. It's not just his client. In this article you just posted, the Subject:
    line reads:

    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Saturn hopes to beat Honda, Toyota in hybrid sales

    Let's check a public news server:

    $ telnet nntp
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.
    201 -- (Tornado v1.0.6)
    mode reader
    201 -- (Tornado v1.0.6.380)
    head <>
    221 203900 <>
    From: SnoMan <>
    Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Saturn hopes to beat Honda, Toyota in hybrid sales
    Message-ID: <>
    References: <> <> <> <JcmFh.3097$> <> <r0qFh.909$>
    X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 3.3/32.846
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    Lines: 15
    Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2007 12:04:42 GMT
    X-Trace: 1172750682 (Thu, 01 Mar 2007 04:04:42 PST)
    NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2007 04:04:42 PST
    Organization: EarthLink Inc. --
    X-Received-Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2007 07:04:42 EST (
    205 GoodBye
    Connection closed by foreign host.

    .... see? No newsreading client was even involved here. All those Re:'s
    are coming from you, not Doug's client.

    -- Mark
    Mark T.B. Carroll, Mar 1, 2007
  9. iwhtcimtlfmwmaomopw

    Server 13 Guest

    Not on my reader. Here, it causes no problem of any sort. In fact, your
    incessant whining is about 50x as obnoxious.
    Server 13, Mar 1, 2007
  10. iwhtcimtlfmwmaomopw

    PerfectReign Guest

    Okay, I hadn't read about that before.

    Sounds interesting and potentially usable for some items. I only wonder
    if you can get the same torque out of a GDi engine.

    Of course the latest common rail diesel (CRD) engines don't acutally use
    direct injection anymore. The bosch injectors are actually more like the
    ones in gas engines where the fuel is mixed prior to injection in the
    cylinder. (At least that's how I underststand it.)

    I just like diesel because of the ability to run on veggie oil and other
    common items.
    Yes, hence turbos in gas engines. I see the CR is higher in GDi engines.
    Yeah, but it is certianly cheaper when you're filling up your 30-gallon
    tank at Costco for $2.41 as opposed to $2.85 for premium 89 octane. :)

    (Obviously I'm referring to my Avalanche and not my wife's Vue.)

    Interesting argument. I wonder what will happen.

    kai || ||

    closing the doors that surround me
    so no one will ever penetrate
    complete my retreat just to wait for the day
    that never comes so i will laugh alone
    PerfectReign, Mar 1, 2007
  11. iwhtcimtlfmwmaomopw

    PerfectReign Guest

    Agreed. This is getting childish, folks.

    I see no Re re re... things happening.

    Of course, it could be because I'm using Linux and not Wintendo... :p

    kai || ||

    closing the doors that surround me
    so no one will ever penetrate
    complete my retreat just to wait for the day
    that never comes so i will laugh alone
    PerfectReign, Mar 1, 2007
  12. iwhtcimtlfmwmaomopw

    BläBlä Guest

    Again...Facts mean nothing to Snoball. He will make no attempt at fixing
    agent. While you guys are in Google entertain yourselfs by reading the
    crap he post and the countless corrections others have to make.

    Here's a good one that sums him up
    BläBlä, Mar 1, 2007
  13. iwhtcimtlfmwmaomopw

    BläBlä Guest

    pfft... 820 worthless post in the month of Febuary. Yup you're a troll.
    BläBlä, Mar 1, 2007
  14. iwhtcimtlfmwmaomopw

    Kevin Guest

    For the sake of argument, lets say a small car - Saturn, perhaps - has
    a 2.4l 170HP engine and gets 30MPG.

    Then you put in a higher efficiency, higher compression motor - say 1.8l
    170HP - that gets 38MPG, but requires premium fuel.

    Then while I'm paying the extra 20 cents a gallon (the difference
    between 87 & 91 octane here in St. Louis), I'm rewarded with higher MPG,
    so it may actually be cheaper to use the higher octane / more efficient

    smaller forced induction motors can and should replace larger
    displacement NA engines, but consumers, insurance companies, and
    manufacturers don't want it, don't understand it, and don't do it (in
    that order).
    Kevin, Mar 1, 2007
  15. iwhtcimtlfmwmaomopw

    Doug Miller Guest

    That would be amusing if it weren't so sad. Just FWIW -- the "Doug" who was
    the OP in that thread is *not* me.
    Doug Miller, Mar 1, 2007
  16. iwhtcimtlfmwmaomopw

    Steve Guest

    Normally, I'm not into the name-calling thing, either, but if the shoe
    fits ....
    Clearly, SnoMan, the extra "Re:" is being added somewhere in your
    environment or your provider's, since it always appears on your posts.
    Personally, I think Doug Miller's reaction (to Killfile you) is a bit
    strong but there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that he is correct in his
    claim ....
    Steve, Mar 1, 2007
  17. iwhtcimtlfmwmaomopw

    Steve Guest

    FWIW, I agree with SnoMan on this one -- my client (MS OE) is *not*
    showing separate threads by him (other than those he obviously intends to be
    Steve, Mar 1, 2007
  18. iwhtcimtlfmwmaomopw

    Doug Miller Guest

    Whether they appear as separate threads is client-dependent.
    Doug Miller, Mar 1, 2007
  19. iwhtcimtlfmwmaomopw

    marx404 Guest

    Now now, lets play nice - even to those of us who still use OE :)

    As far as GM "killing off Saturn", I say bah. To quote Dylan, the times they
    are a changin'. For Saturn, it's change or die. As the L-series was
    originally "helped" by Opel, it only makes logical sense that Saturn again
    turns to them, and furthermore the fact that they are both GM companies.
    Lets be honest here, GM has been starving Saturn for new product for years
    now. Its due time for new models to appear. The days of the cheapo-economy
    box are over sad to say, but it's all part of survival, evolve or die.

    The one thing that Saturn has never and will not go away from is their
    reputation (mostly good) for taking care of people. To that extent, Saturn
    will always be Saturn. I can say that with all confidence because I know one
    of the original Saturn people who still believes strongly in the original
    concept. The cars may change, but Saturn is trying to maintain their
    original people philosophy while building better cars. IMHO, after 12 years
    of the S-series and 5 years of the ION, change is long overdue.
    marx404, Mar 2, 2007
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