Saturn SL2 drain plug

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by revamp, Sep 10, 2004.

  1. revamp

    revamp Guest

    hey guys I am trying to replace my COOLANT system but i can't seem to
    remove the drain plug. ive never done this before. i believe it's the
    white thing at the bottom lefthand side of the radiator, it's kind of hard
    to get to and im not quite sure how to remove it. please help? and also, is
    there anything else i need to do before removing the drain plug.

    my model is a 2001 SL2
    revamp, Sep 10, 2004
  2. revamp

    Blah Blah Guest

    Some people cut a slot into something. I often end up using different
    types of pliers on them.
    Blah Blah, Sep 10, 2004
  3. revamp

    Kirk Kohnen Guest

    I think that year (2001) uses a plug that has a 1/4" square hole in it. If
    this is the case, use a 1/4" ratchet drive to turn it about 1/4 of a turn
    and then pull it out about 1/2".

    Good Luck.
    Kirk Kohnen, Sep 11, 2004
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