SC2 still leaking

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by marx404, Jun 3, 2007.

  1. marx404

    marx404 Guest

    Ug, water water everywhere, I feel like the Kevin Costner of Saturnworld.

    Re: My previous post: "Life of S-series door seals?" Today the remnants of
    that tropical storm brought light drizzle all day from 10 to 5. After work,
    I got in my car and lo and behold, the same water spot as before, same spot!

    I got the car home and removed the passenger side kick panel and peeled the
    rug back, yep, damp. This time, I peeled the rug all the way up back to the
    dash console and put my hand up under the rubber matting, wetter still. The
    driver's side is dry.

    This reminds me of when I had a "smile seal" on my old '94 SL2 and it
    flooded the floorboard, but this time the rain is causing it. Last week I
    had the techs change the passenger door seal and thought it was fixed, I
    even hand washed my car and there was no puddles. Guess it takes a day-long
    rain to make it leak.

    Any ideas? I would guess that the leak is coming from up in the cowl vent?
    marx404, Jun 3, 2007
  2. marx404

    BläBlä Guest

    I'm just going to wing this without looking at pictures so I dont know
    if this is how the S-series is set up. That vented plastic trim between
    the wipers and the hood, remove it. Shoot that area with water. (not
    into the blowers snorkel) Is it draining or pooling?
    BläBlä, Jun 3, 2007
  3. marx404

    BläBlä Guest

    BläBlä, Jun 3, 2007
  4. marx404

    marx404 Guest

    I did inspect the blower air intake seal and it's in like new shape. As this
    leak seems to be in the same place as the orig. one I brought it in for, I
    am taking it back to the techs to fix it right this time.

    marx404, Jun 4, 2007
  5. marx404

    marx404 Guest

    After looking at it myself, I saw that from last time where I had the tech
    clean out my sunroof drains and snip the ends of the drain plug to allow
    better drainage, he obviously couldn't get his big hands inside that tiny
    well in the front inside to snap back the drain tube rubber grommets into
    the hole, he just left the tubes laying there. I'm not too happy about that,
    I told the shop mgr.

    That should eliminate one problem, however that wouldn't explain the eater I
    found up under the rubber mats behind and under the center console.
    marx404, Jun 5, 2007
  6. marx404

    marx404 Guest

    Today I ran a hose on various parts of the cowl, air refresher screen (under
    the hood), antenna hole and windshield base to verify where the water comes
    from. My back is killin' me, I had to remove the side kick panel molding on
    the pass side, peel back the rugs and rubber matting and watch as someone
    ran the hose.

    I isolated it down to the cowl vents. I traced slow droplets from up in the
    deepest part of the upper under-dash under the glovebox where there is a
    sealant that meets at a point between the firewall and inside fender it
    seems to be. Had to lay on my back across the door threshold and put my head
    up under the glovebox, what fun, ow.

    Gonna shove some towels up there till I can get it into the shop, hopefully
    I just saved alot of $$$ on diagnostic fees.
    marx404, Jun 5, 2007
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