Sheesh what happened to Saturn?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Scott Stoddard, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. So I went to buy a new Saturn. Based on my previous experience with Saturn I
    was expecting a pleasant, straight forward, purchasing experience. You
    know, all the things I used to associate with Saturn, priority on customer
    satisfaction, no hassle pricing, everybody pays MSRP etc.

    So I buy a new Ion. while we're doing doing the paperwork, I'm not worried,
    I assume the deal we negotiated is the deal I'm getting... it's Saturn.

    Later, I get to looking at the paperwork and see they've added $1000 to the
    MSRP. I call them. They say "Oh that's for the extras." "What extras?" I
    say, "Nobody said anything about any extras." "I don't know, I'll have to
    do some research." I'm told.

    So after a bunch of rigmarole, and more phone calls, I find that they put
    some pin stripe tape and some door guard tape on the car. $1000 for

    I can get leather interior for $700, and I'm tricked into paying $1000 for
    some stinking tape?!? I can decide whether to spring for the leather, but
    the $1000 tape is sneaked into the paperwork at the last minute, when I'm
    tired and want to go home with my new car. While I'm trusting them and not
    suspecting any chicanery?! This is so disgusting. It would have been one
    thing if they'd told me about the tape, then I could have decided whether I
    wanted the car or not. I wouldn't have bought it, but that should be my

    Customer satisfaction?!?! I don't know about you but top of my list for
    satisfaction is being tricked into paying $1000 for $10 worth of tape. So

    "Don't feel bad we do this to everybody." They tell me. Nice guys. Thanks
    Saturn of Vancouver, you jerks.

    Is this just a rogue dealership or is this what Saturn has become? I feel
    like a trusted friend has used my trust to betray me.

    I'll probably pull off the pinstripes. It makes me sick every time I look at
    Scott Stoddard, Jan 12, 2007
  2. Scott Stoddard

    NapalmHeart Guest

    Why didn't you tell them that you didn't want the "extras" and tell them no
    deal if they don't remove the $1000?

    NapalmHeart, Jan 12, 2007
  3. Scott Stoddard

    robxr4ti Guest

    The best thing to do when you see that is get up and walk out.
    Mention to the salesman that his dishonesty is what cost him a
    robxr4ti, Jan 12, 2007
  4. Scott Stoddard

    Rich Guest

    Ugh, why would you not at least look at the numbers. I don't know if things
    work differently in Canada, but in the U.S. the contracts have to show every
    line item. They can't just "add" $1k to the MSRP.

    Go into the dealership, speak with a manager (sales), and tell him you'd
    like a $1k refund.
    Rich, Jan 12, 2007
  5. Scott Stoddard

    Steve Guest


    Hopefully, a rogue dealership. I haven't purchased a new car since 1999
    (and probably won't again, since only the SL has ever appealed to me) but
    based on my ongoing experience with the service department of the dealer
    from which I bought my car, the focus on customer service hasn't waned.
    That said, it's possible that Saturn division has either changed its
    original philosophy or relaxed its control over its dealers and it's my
    dealership's commitment to customer service that has remained the same.
    Steve, Jan 12, 2007
  6. Scott Stoddard

    Roberto Guest

    The direction of Saturn is way different than it used to be. I bought a
    new Saturn every other year since 1996 and I have noticed that they
    were getting unusually aggressive in the sales technique. I would
    literally get tackled by the salespeople while driving into the
    dealership to get parts, or even just looking around at the new
    vehicles while there for service. On the last purchase, a 2006 VUE from
    the Las Vegas dealership, the saleswoman brought in the team leader and
    he was a real pushy, cocky, a-hole who ended up screwing me out of
    around 600.00 bucks., plus he promised I could switch out the wheels
    which he didn't,and a couple other things that burned my ass. Anyway I
    wrote the dealer manager and Saturn a very detailed letter explaining
    what happend and how I feel about the company and how it has become.
    They sent me a hundred dollar certificate and an appology. I will not
    buy another Saturn next year or ever. I love the product, but this last
    go around left a very bitter taste. I like the new GMC Acadia, or
    perhaps the Kia Sorrento. The Saturn experience is now very laboring.
    Roberto, Jan 13, 2007
  7. Scott Stoddard

    satyr Guest

    LOL. If they won't agree over the phone to refund the $1000 plus tax,
    then you need to wait fro there to be a lot of customers in the
    showroom and walk in with your contract and loudly announce that you
    need to talk to someone about getting the bogus $1000 charge refunded.
    When they try to quiet yo down, ask if it is true that they do this to
    everybody like the guy said. If the sales desks are in an open area,
    walk up to a salesman who is trying to close a sale and rudely butt in
    and ask who you should talk to about getting your money back. If he
    is your salesman, all the better.

    A coworker's daughter bought an Ion with a student discount. A day
    later they called back and told her she would have to come in and pay
    them the discount because she didn't qualify after all. Dad had to go
    down there and tell them they weren't getting any more money.

    Didn't Saturn used to have a 30 day return policy? If they still do,
    now would be the time to use it. Don't even give them the option of
    refunding the $1000. Tell them you want it all back.
    satyr, Jan 13, 2007
  8. Scott Stoddard

    Chuck Guest

    Definitely NOT a "Different kind of car company" anymore!
    It looks like all of their vehicles will just be rebadged products from
    other divisions before long.
    The polymer side panels - their best selling point imho - will soon be
    Dealers on Long Island, NY are closing left and right - I think there's
    3 left.
    And the service departments at all of those are crooked as all get out.
    Saturn will be the next Oldsmobile . . . NDIMM!
    Chuck, Jan 13, 2007
  9. Scott Stoddard

    marx404 Guest

    I know Im gonna get hated for this, but take it for what it is..... those
    who know me know I was a Saturn salesperson. Yes, Saturn has changed, the
    "different car company"days are long gone memories of the past. They are
    just another division of GM now, but still a good car and actually becoming
    an important player for GM.

    Scott, IMHO it seems that you had a bum salesperson. It is a law and also
    mandated by Saturn that beside the MSRP there must be an addendum sticker
    showing any additional items on your car. You should have a copy of this
    smaller sticker showing the additional items listed on them, many dealers
    place then inside the glovebox with your orig. MSRP when purchasing a brand
    new car.

    It was your salespersons responsibility to properly explain the MSRP and the
    addendum (added items) price to you before your time of purchase. It is
    entirely YOUR responsibility to understand everything that you signed when
    in the finance office before you signed that legal purchase agreement. At
    any time if you didn't understand the numbers, you could have walked out if
    they were unable to produce a viable answer for you.

    If it is possible that your dealer has failed to provide you with a copy of
    the addendum showing add ons, then you need to politely return to the
    dealership and ask the manager for one, it should have been there. Now I
    don't know how they do it in other states, but that's how Saturn is supposed
    to do it everywhere. There is a civil way to handle this, doing as some
    other posts suggests will only make an arse out of yourself and not resolve
    much at all. Ask for an explanation from the sales manager and if not
    sufficient, then call Saturn Customer Support and see if they can help.

    marx404, Jan 13, 2007
  10. Scott Stoddard

    NapalmHeart Guest


    This has hit on an issue that has bothered me for awhile. Why is it that so
    many people can't solve their problems with others without becoming
    irrational and uncivil?

    NapalmHeart, Jan 13, 2007
  11. Scott Stoddard

    SnoMan Guest

    The reason for all of this is that the Saturn is not longer a seperate
    division under GM, it is now part of GM and fully run by it like its
    other divisions. They are no longer on their own and they will be
    trading parts just like other divisions do. (Cavaliar and Saturn share
    GM motors now). I agree it is a big mistake to abandon what Saturn was
    based on but GMis set on forgeting its roots (small cars that are
    durable and last long) and focusing on larger less fuel eeficent cars
    and SUV's at a time with good relieble econ cars are needed the most.
    SnoMan, Jan 13, 2007

  12. You're right that it's my fault for not checking them. I know this. I've
    been kicking myself ever since for not watching their every move, and
    checking every number. I trusted them, and I shouldn't have. It won't
    happen again.

    Unfortunately I didn't check the paperwork until just after the 30 day
    return period. (my fault again) I would have returned the car. I never saw
    any addendum sticker. the numbers we talked about was MSRP only. In fact I
    noticed that the sticker I saw said "Dealer sets own price." I asked about
    this and was told "Yeah we have to say that, but we have to sell for MSRP."

    There's no way I would have bought this car if I'd known about the "extras"
    It was a return with some damage and they barely slid me into it as it was.
    I would have bolted at the mention of "extras" the saleman knew this and
    that's likely why he concealed it from me.

    I'm trying to negotiate a return with Saturn right now. It's really a shame
    because it really is a great car. I was becoming quite fond of it until I
    found out about the BS they pulled. It's really soured the whole

    This has changed my opinion of Saturn 180 degrees. What a shame.

    Scott Stoddard, Jan 13, 2007
  13. Scott Stoddard

    Doug Miller Guest

    How in the world could you have paid A GRAND MORE than you expected for the
    car, and not check the paperwork for A MONTH?

    Must be nice to have that much money, that you don't even f**king NOTICE when
    somebody overcharges you by A THOUSAND DOLLARS.

    Quit complaining. You're an idiot. And you just paid Idiot Tax.
    Doug Miller, Jan 13, 2007
  14. Scott Stoddard

    BläBlä Guest

    Turn the abrasiveness down Doug. You're running at 40 grit.
    BläBlä, Jan 13, 2007
  15. Well now aren't you a sweetheart. Feel better now? Good. There's always at
    least one like you around isn't there?

    Truth is I was a little idiotic in all this. Largely because of a brain
    concussion suffered in the accident where my previous Saturn was totaled. I
    had a headache throughout the sales process and by the end it was
    horrendous. I've had almost constant headaches, and problems with cognition
    since the accident because of brain injury. I was busy dealing with my wife
    and I's injuries when I should have been busy making sure nobody was
    screwing me. Because they should be trying to screw me if they can right?
    Especially if my brain isn't working quite right. That's the best time to

    Of course people with cognitive problems through no fault of their own
    should be screwed at every opportunity. You should lie to them, it's their
    fault if they trust you.

    Idiot tax. That's good words for it. I wish they'd listed it that way on the

    Scott Stoddard, Jan 14, 2007
  16. Scott Stoddard

    marx404 Guest

    Oh, just FYI ppl, as of around 2002 Saturn Corp. changed their policy. There
    no longer is a 30 day total refund policy, you can however exchange your
    Saturn for another of equivalent value minus any miles and wear and tear
    Too may people were "borrowing cars over the weekend" it seems, and they
    changed the policy to stop that.
    Hey, didn't Sears change their policy on power tools for just the same
    reason? LOL.

    Scott, good luck with a resolution, it'll be hard after 30 days though. Next
    time Caveat Emptor dude.

    marx404, Jan 14, 2007
  17. Scott Stoddard

    satyr Guest

    LOL, maybe they were just reading the contract over the weekend.

    New policy: Sure, you can have any car on the lot for $1000 over list.
    satyr, Jan 14, 2007
  18. Scott Stoddard

    raamman Guest

    it's not an opel engine in saturn ?
    raamman, Jan 14, 2007
  19. Scott Stoddard

    BläBlä Guest

    That's what I used to think. I guess it depends on how you define it.
    The L81 (3.0L v6) went through no major changes when it was used here
    (keep in mind it is also known as an Ecotec in Europe). I wouldn't call
    the 3.0 v6 anything other than an Opel... From my understanding the
    inline 4 cylinder Ecotec, that we now see here, "may" be a major
    redesign or a distant variation of an Opel engine. You will probably
    find it is more of a Lotus design than anything if you read up on it.

    This should clear it up some

    The Ecotec name was adopted in 2000 for the new generation of Family II
    engines. The name was already used for the Opel Family 1 and Family 0
    ranges. GM intends this new Ecotec to become its global 4-cylinder.

    The Ecotec Family II is a modern chain-driven DOHC 4-valve design with
    an aluminum block and head (L850), designed for displacements from 1.8
    to 2.4 L. It was developed by an international team of engineers and
    technicians from Opel's International Technical Development Center in
    Rüsselsheim, Germany, GM Powertrain in Pontiac, Michigan, and Saab in
    Trollhättan, Sweden. Much of the development work on this project was
    carried out by Lotus Engineering, Hethel, United Kingdom. The engine
    uses aluminum pistons and cast iron cylinder liners. Vibration is
    reduced with twin balance shafts.

    The current Ecotec line is manufactured in Tonawanda, New York,
    Kaiserslautern, Germany, and (for Saturn) in Spring Hill, Tennessee.
    BläBlä, Jan 16, 2007
  20. Scott Stoddard

    raamman Guest

    interesting. thx
    raamman, Jan 17, 2007
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