Stalling after refueling

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Paul Harrington, Sep 22, 2003.

  1. My daughter recently bought a '99 SL1 (50K miles and manual transmission),
    and it runs fine except for "bucking", as she calls it, shortly after
    refueling. After fueling, it will run for a mile or so, and then start
    lurching and stumbling. Downshifting helps a little bit, but she ends up
    having to pull over to the side of the road and let it sit for half an hour
    or more. After that, it runs fine again. The first time it happened she
    had it towed to the dealer. When they checked it the next day, they
    couldn't find anything wrong.

    It sounds to me like water in the gas tank, so we've told her to run Heet
    through it. She doesn't drive it much (a tank lasts several weeks), so
    she's only been able to run two cans through, and it hasn't cleared up yet.

    Does anyone have any other ideas, or is this a common problem with these
    Paul Harrington, Sep 22, 2003
  2. Paul Harrington

    Guest Guest

    Maybe check the gas cap, to see if it is venting as it should. And /or try
    filling only 1/2 of what it would take to fill it full. To see if it is
    still "bucking".
    Guest, Sep 22, 2003
  3. Paul Harrington

    apl Guest

    Also check the fuel filter.

    apl, Sep 22, 2003
  4. Paul Harrington

    Mark Walters Guest

    Hi There,

    I work for a Saturn dealership, and this has happened to several of our
    customers. Our service manager believes the problem can be caused by
    two things:

    (1) a loose gas cap

    (2) filling the tank with the engine running.

    Both cause problems with the pressure in the tank.
    Mark Walters, Oct 3, 2003
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