Suggestions for improving braking on ...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by james moffat, May 13, 2007.

  1. james moffat

    james moffat Guest

    I have a 2001 sc2 that I am looking to improve the braking ability on.
    Right now I am really unimpressed by what it can do, as its braking
    fades greatly when it is hot out, and just generally feels mushy, with
    no real stopping power. It has been this way ever since I bought the
    So does anyone have some suggestions to get some real braking going on
    with this thing..
    If you really want to talk to me - just eat the spam
    james moffat, May 13, 2007
  2. james moffat

    Kevin Guest

    bleed the brakes, and upgrade to some better pads- EBC Greenstuff are
    popular for street pads.
    Kevin, May 13, 2007
  3. james moffat

    marx404 Guest

    Read my reply in the post: Scary! $10. rotors on Amazon. Been going 2 yrs
    strong with these brakes in all conditions.
    marx404, May 13, 2007
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