Timing Chain ('99 SL 102 K mi)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Steve, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. Steve

    Steve Guest

    Hi, all!
    It seems to me that I used to see recommendations to change the timing chain at about 100,000 miles, whether it
    seems to need it or not, as there is no way to tell if it is about to fail. But recently the consensus seems to be that
    timing chains should last the life of the engine if the car is properly maintained. Any thoughts about which way to go,
    specifically for a '99 SL with about 102,000 miles (approx 1/3 city 2/3 interstate) and manual transaxle, that has had
    all regularly scheduled maintenance (with the exception of going to about 4000 between oil changes four of five times)
    by Saturn dealership maintenance dept? I'm inclined to go for it, as I want this car to use this car until it
    disintegrates. :)
    Steve, Jun 7, 2007
  2. Change it change it change it, if and they do go can be VERY costly to fix,
    so suck it up and do it!!!!!!
    James and Jenn, Jun 7, 2007
  3. Steve

    Kevin Guest

    Before the chain fails, it will be very noisy. If there are no strange
    noises coming from the front of the engine, leave it alone.

    I replaced the front cover on a '95 SL1 that had 130k on it, and then
    replaced the head on it at 148k (the infamous casting flaw finally
    showed up). This car was neglected most of its life (my friend was
    really, really bad about checking the oil, and ran it with the bad head
    for about a month). It wasn't unusual for it to be run with less than 2
    quarts of oil for prolonged periods. (it wasn't my car, I just did the
    work on it when I discovered she was in danger of killing the car).

    Even at 148k miles of neglect/abusive driving, the chain was still well
    within specs. The car was recently traded in at 170k, still on the
    original chain.
    Kevin, Jun 7, 2007
  4. Steve

    James1549 Guest

    I wouldn't be concerned about the chain until it gets noisey. You will
    know it when it begins to make noise.

    It will make noise for a long time before it causes any damage. Once
    it makes noise, I would get it changed ASAP.

    James1549, Jun 8, 2007
  5. Steve

    BläBlä Guest

    Oil quality was much better in 1999 and up. The upkeep on the car sounds
    fine. The mileage on the OD is good as in its not likely to have a bunch
    of cold starts or moisture in the oil. I say that chain is in good shape
    and will be for a long while.
    BläBlä, Jun 8, 2007
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