Transmission Jolt Saturn SL2

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by garrisond2, Jan 3, 2005.

  1. garrisond2

    garrisond2 Guest


    I'm hoping someone out in cyberworld can help me with this problem. I
    recently had my transmission and clutch rebuilt on my 1998 Saturn SL2,
    obviously manual. It is about 2K into the news clutch and tranmission,
    and already, I am feeling a very heavy jolt when I try to downshift. It
    is pretty violent, it actually jolts my body as if I had a bad tranny.
    I am not a "fun" downshifter. I may shift into second gear AT THE
    HIGHEST SPEED of 25 MPH. As of now, the clutch does not appear to be
    slipping, and the car does not give me the jolt unless I am at about 25
    MPH. The problem concerns me though as I used to be able to do this
    fine. I have had this car for about 130 thousand miles. I drove the
    last clutch and tranny 128k MILES before it went. So I know I can drive
    one. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as I am getting a
    little desperate. The thought of another $1600 bill at Saturn makes my
    stomach turn. Thanks so much.

    garrisond2, Jan 3, 2005
  2. garrisond2

    marx404 Guest

    Have you checked your motor mounts? That would be my first guess.

    marx404, Jan 4, 2005
  3. garrisond2

    rmjacobs Guest

    I have the exact same problem, but my car is an AUTOMATIC transmission and
    has only about 30,000 miles. The jolt happens only when the car is
    downshifting, and only at slow speeds. The Saturn Service Center has been
    unhelpful at best, and obviously I'm not too happy. Please let me know if
    you solve the problem!

    rmjacobs, Jan 20, 2005
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