transmission oil??

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by p_vouers, Nov 20, 2005.

  1. p_vouers

    p_vouers Guest

    Is there a big difference between Dextron III and Saturn Transaxle
    oil?? The always say if not available use Dextron III. I need to change
    the oil and filter on my son's 96 sc2 and was going to use dextron III
    but if saturn transaxle is better then I'll picl some of that up..

    p_vouers, Nov 20, 2005
  2. p_vouers

    marx404 Guest

    same stuff. Dextron III is a spec type.

    marx404, Nov 20, 2005
  3. p_vouers

    escapenguin Guest

    I've had success using the Mobil Synthetic ATF with a stock Saturn
    filter (which are great and usually cheaper than aftermarket filters
    anyway). Both Dextron III and Saturn fluid failed to nullify the
    torque converter shudder my SL1 exhibited. I'm doubtful the Saturn
    fluid is worth the premium price over Dextron III no matter how much
    the parts guy at the dealer tries to sell me on it.
    escapenguin, Nov 20, 2005
  4. p_vouers

    p_vouers Guest

    good to know.. thanks all.. how do others feel about the mobil atf
    p_vouers, Nov 20, 2005
  5. p_vouers

    Steve Guest

    Ditto on the Mobil 1 ATF. The Saturn fluid is just a Dextron III that meets
    GM specs that may or may not be tighter than what Brand X uses. Saturn's
    tyrannys are pretty temperamental and you will see an improvement switching
    to the Mobil 1.
    Steve, Nov 20, 2005
  6. I noted slightly easier shifts after switching over. But then the short
    throw shifter made that easier to tell.
    Kevin M. Keller, Nov 21, 2005
  7. p_vouers

    marx404 Guest

    whoah, escapenguin, what you say brings up a possible answer to an old
    post. Please explain the "shudder" in your tranny and how synth fluid
    remedied it.

    And not to hijack this post, but I have a '02 SC2, just recently started
    experiencing a "kick in the butt" when pressing/releasing the throttle at or
    near 2K RPM. I can also hear the torque converter whining what I feel is
    excessively, near 2nd gear. I have an Automatic tranny. No fun, not a smooth
    ride. Did you experience anything like this and did switching to synth
    tranny fluid help? TIA

    marx404, Nov 21, 2005
  8. p_vouers

    p_vouers Guest

    well I guess my next change (in spring) will be synthetic mobil1.. too
    bad this can't solve my son's problem with the old slam in reverse
    problem and saqturn no longer sells valve bodies just the whole
    p_vouers, Nov 21, 2005
  9. p_vouers

    escapenguin Guest

    I bought the car [2001 SL1 with automatic] used at a dealership and it
    seemed to be in great shape aside from some cosmetic blemishes. I
    didn't notice any shudder when I test drove it, but later I did. The
    car would vibrate heavily no matter what gear you put it in, except for
    neutral and park, of course. My girlfriend owns a *ahem* well-loved
    1995 Ford Contour with almost 200,000 miles on it, and there I was,
    with a fairly new car that vibrated just as bad as hers. Can you say,
    embarrassing? She noticed it too. Weeks later, it started clunking
    when upshifting and would downshift with an eyepopping bang from 4th to
    3rd under moderate to heavy deceleration. I checked the fluid and the
    level was fine but it smelled burnt, the filter was rusty on the
    outside. It was around the time for it to be changed (40,000--close
    enough to me) according to the manual so...

    To summarize: no matter what Dextron III type of fluid I tried, the
    car behaved the same way. The Mobil 1 Synthetic ATF stock Saturn
    filter transformed the car. It shifts much more smoothly, very rarely
    shudders and generally doesn't act as though it's possessed as much.
    I'm not sure switching to synthetic would help you. The torque
    converter, AFAIK, doesn't lock until 3rd and 4th gear. So it's either
    releasing/engaging when it isn't supposed to or it could maybe be a
    shift solenoid problem or...a lot of different things. It's hard to
    say since my car has never done that specifically.
    escapenguin, Nov 21, 2005
  10. p_vouers

    escapenguin Guest

    <quote>The Mobil 1 Synthetic ATF stock Saturn
    filter transformed the car...</quote>

    forgot to throw "and" in there
    escapenguin, Nov 21, 2005
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