Trip meter / Odometer

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by kh0513, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. kh0513

    kh0513 Guest

    Anyone know how i can find out if the trip meter gears or odometer gear is
    broken. How do I get to is?
    kh0513, Jul 19, 2004
  2. kh0513

    Mike Guest

    I just bought a replacement odometer gear for my cluster for 25+shipping.

    So far, it has solved the problem. (I have only drive about 180 miles since
    I did the work.)

    Here is an OVERVIEW for a Saturn SC:

    (Warning: this is based on my memory!)

    remove dash top (screws and plastic clips)
    remove bezel in front of cluster
    remove screws holding in cluster
    remove cable to cluster (compress plastic clip.)

    Now the cluster is out.

    Take off many screws noting where they go back.
    Remove light bulbs noting where they go back.
    Compress clips and pry cover off.
    GENTLY pry clear cover off front
    no need to remove needles from gauges, whole unit comes out to the front.
    remove screws holding odometer on.
    remove little gear, replace with new gear.

    Put that sucker back together!
    Mike, Jul 19, 2004
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