Turn Left and Blower Turns ON!!!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by carnovice, Feb 7, 2005.

  1. carnovice

    carnovice Guest

    I'm experiencing problems with the blower on my 2000 Saturn SL100. It
    has been acting up and mysteriously kicks on when I turn left - then
    when I straighten out the wheel it stops again.

    This only works then the car is in motion. Turning the wheel while in
    park does not work. Can anyone tell me why this might be happening and
    how I may fix it?
    carnovice, Feb 7, 2005
  2. carnovice

    blah blah Guest

    Not enough info!!! You got to tell us more. When it comes on does it
    come on "high" only?
    blah blah, Feb 7, 2005
  3. carnovice

    carnovice Guest

    Sorry. I'm new at this.

    It doesn't matter what setting that it is on. When turning left, the
    blower will blow according to the setting on the control panel.

    Sometimes, it will continue working for 4-5 minutes and then go off
    again. When it goes off, I can hear a humming sound as if it is trying
    to run. Turn a left, and it kicks on again.

    This weekend, it completely quit. There was no sound and no air no
    matter what. Then today I got up and it was miraculously working again.
    carnovice, Feb 8, 2005
  4. carnovice

    carnovice Guest

    Oops. . . when I say, "working again" I mean that it will run
    intermittently if I turn left.
    carnovice, Feb 8, 2005
  5. carnovice

    blah blah Guest

    I'm still not completely filled in here... So you're saying that that
    your blower usually does not work at all any other time?

    It sounds like the last resistor in line for your "Blower Motor Resistor
    Card" is hanging loose and reattatching itself when you turn left. If
    you put it on High your resistor card gets bypassed. So if you cannot
    get "low, med, & med high" to work and "High" does work it will likely
    be your resistor card.
    blah blah, Feb 8, 2005
  6. carnovice

    carnovice Guest

    The blower never works correctly. It either works when I turn left -
    or it doesn't work at all. It is a crap shoot.

    It will work on 1, 2, and 3, in addition to 4. So it is not bypassing
    anything. I'm just bamboozled. It's like some connection is loose. I
    just don't know where to start looking.

    Also, if I turn left without giving it gas, it does nothing. If I give
    it gas when I make a left, it kicks in. Once I straighten out the
    wheel - it may or may not stay on. And if it does stay on, it will run
    for only a few minutes.
    carnovice, Feb 9, 2005
  7. carnovice

    blah blah Guest

    You say it "either works when you turn left or it doesnt work at all"
    then you say "it will work on 1, 2, 3, and 4"...

    Which is it? I'm not talking about when you are making a left turn and I
    dont think you understood what I ment by "bypassing".

    My big question is: When 1, 2, and 3 "WONT WORK" will "4" work???

    Possible problems:

    1. If 4 (the highest setting) works (sitting still) and 1, 2, & 3 dont
    work that means you may have a bad blower resistor card.
    -Theory: The last resistor in line may be burnt and flopping around
    making and loosing contact.


    2. If 4 doesnt work at all (sitting still) then it sounds like you
    "may" have a bad blower motor.
    -Theory: The motor does sit on its side and the left and right shifting
    may be causing it to make and loose good contact with the brushes.
    blah blah, Feb 9, 2005
  8. carnovice

    Bob Shuman Guest

    My (possibly incorrect) understanding is that the OP is saying that the
    blower really does not work most of the time at all, regardless of the fan
    position switch. But, occasionally, when they turn left the fan will start
    to blow at whatever speed the position switch is set, and then when the turn
    is completed it does not work again.

    My guess is a loose ground connection, or more possibly, an intermittent
    connection in the blower feed or ground wiring. Seems that this could
    easily be reproduced once you get access to the wiring and using a simple
    DVM or continuity tester you should be able to narrow down to a defective
    wiring segment or a loose connector.

    I personally do not think this sounds like a defective blower resistor block
    based on my understanding of the problem description.

    Bob Shuman, Feb 9, 2005
  9. carnovice

    carnovice Guest

    DID NOT FLOW SMOOTHLY. Bob is correct in his restatement of my
    problems. THANKS!

    So, I suppose I'll need to take this to the dealer for an auotopsy?
    Any home remedies out there?
    carnovice, Feb 10, 2005
  10. carnovice

    carnovice Guest

    DID NOT FLOW SMOOTHLY. Bob is correct in his restatement of my
    problems. THANKS!

    So, I suppose I'll need to take this to the dealer for an autopsy? Any
    home remedies out there?
    carnovice, Feb 10, 2005
  11. carnovice

    Kirk Kohnen Guest


    I bet the motor is worn out.

    The brushes in DC motors wear out. (motors with brushes are cheaper than
    brushless motors - guess which ones car makers use?)

    I bet that as you turn left, the brush is pushed against the commutator and
    it starts spinning. As you turn right, the brush is pushed away.

    I'd check out the motor.
    Kirk Kohnen, Feb 11, 2005
  12. carnovice

    carnovice Guest

    So, where can I find a diagram showing me where the blower motor is
    carnovice, Feb 18, 2005
  13. carnovice

    blah blah Guest

    In a service manual. It might help if I knew what car you were talking
    about seeing as how this thread has disappeared... As far as I remember
    about this subject its roughly accessed by removing your glove box.
    blah blah, Feb 19, 2005
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