Two Saturns, one key

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by David Teichholtz, Jul 8, 2006.

  1. When I bought my 97 SL1, it came with two keys. The ignition switch had
    been replaced and the idiots who did it did not bother to have the switch
    coded to the car.

    Today, while doing some other work to the car which involved having one of
    the door skins off, I decided to pull both door lock cylinders, the trunk
    cylinder and the ignition and get them coded to the key to my 95 SW1. Now
    one key works both cars. Locksmith charged $40 to recode the cylinders.

    David Teichholtz, Jul 8, 2006
  2. David Teichholtz

    SnoMan Guest

    Wise move.
    SnoMan, Jul 8, 2006
  3. David Teichholtz

    Roy Guest

    Back in the good old days I had a similar setup. My friends Dodge truck key
    would open the door on my Volare and I didn't need a key to turn the
    ignition so if I locked myself out I could just get him to unlock my door
    and away I went. My anti-theft device was a kill switch under the dash and a
    push button to replace the solenoid.
    Roy, Jul 8, 2006

  4. Wow totally sweet!


    tom @
    Tom The Great, Jul 8, 2006
  5. David Teichholtz

    Tommy Tuner Guest

    So now we know why Locksmithing is a dying trade and most locksmiths are

    The last locksmith I met hadn't bathed in weeks, smelled to high heaven
    and basically lived inside his smelly, messed up van.

    He had half his teeth missing (or installed, depending upon how you look
    at it) and couldn't string together a simple sentence composed of words a
    3rd grader would understand.
    In the proper order of course.

    We used to have a couple of smiths' do work for the dealer I work at but
    we quickly discovered that any idiot with the proper machine can generate
    a key for a car so we cut them loose.

    We ended up saving money big time because the number of cars the
    lockmsiths screwed up (mostly popped airbags) was substantial.

    My impression of Locksmiths is that they rank below insurance salesmen but
    ever so slightly above a dustman.
    Tommy Tuner, Jul 11, 2006
  6. Troll O Meter

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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    Stormin Mormon, Jul 11, 2006
  7. David Teichholtz

    'Key Guest

    "Tommy Tuner" <> trolled in message
    ---snip the clueless troll---
    'Key, Jul 11, 2006
  8. David Teichholtz

    mm Guest

    That costs extra money you know. Maybe they didn't have as much money
    as you seem to have.

    There are also disadvantages to having the same key for the door and
    the ignition. A clever guy might have thought of that.

    mm, Jul 11, 2006
  9. David Teichholtz

    sbb78247 Guest

    honestly, who gives a ****?
    sbb78247, Jul 11, 2006
  10. David Teichholtz

    BogusID Guest

    Little Tommy,

    You shouldn't speak about your father that way...

    He keyed the car to match out of love, and we know you filled the airbags
    with beans be comfortable playing video games.

    When the trailers a rocking, your picking your nose real hard - troll!

    Troll O Meter

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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    BogusID, Jul 11, 2006
  11. sbb78247 <>, the skin-headed-idler and
    tongue-tied him-her who likes earth-shattering courtesy fucks with
    xenopus, and whose partner is a minx with a gaping dicky dino, wrote in
    The dustman who has been classed as a lesser mortal than a fucking
    **** me! At least dustmen do something useful on a regular basis and don't
    expect to be paid large sums of money for fucking things up.

    Lunch was nice;
    Dishonoured mudskipper intestine with bladder seasoning under dirty carp
    abscess and jackal liver topping garnished with half-raw hippopotamus
    gizzard next to blemished cadaver foreskins and opossum penis topping,
    simmered in a splashing bucket overflowing with big medley of stomach in
    festering gore, a side of fruit and a pint of pond scum.
    Banned Apache, Jul 11, 2006
  12. David Teichholtz

    sbb78247 Guest

    Banned Apache jabbered in
    this is true - the dustman should rank higher as long as we are not
    speaking of dustbin ko0k!
    sbb78247, Jul 11, 2006
  13. David Teichholtz

    'Key Guest

    hey, ole clueless one.
    you are defiantly with the right organization :)
    'Key, Jul 12, 2006
  14. As much money as I seem to have? Ha! I paid $700 for this car after the
    who owned it was offered $250 by her mechanic. It started running rough
    literally at the
    last minute before the owner was moving a few states away. I got the car
    running and offered the $700
    and she was thrilled. With a child in college and another in private school,
    I have very little money
    to spend on buying cars.

    I did question the previous owner about the keys and she was never offered
    the option of
    having the lock coded correctly, she was surprised that it could even be
    There are, but for my needs one key is much more convienient.
    David Teichholtz, Jul 12, 2006
  15. <snip>

    Well in this case the locksmith was a female, and was, in my opinion, a
    fairly attractive person.
    (and she smelled pretty good!)

    David Teichholtz, Jul 12, 2006
  16. David Teichholtz

    mm Guest

    "to *have* the switch coded..." means you are talking about a previous
    owner, right? If you were talking about locksmiths, you would have
    said "did not bother to code the switch to the car".
    Well you seemed to have a lot of money, because most people without a
    lot of money would understand why another such person wouldn't pay to
    have locks keyed alike. Instead you called them "idiots".
    Your needs are irrelevant, since it's the other people you called
    mm, Jul 12, 2006
  17. David Teichholtz

    'Key Guest


    why do ya have to keep cross-posting ?
    'Key, Jul 12, 2006
  18. David Teichholtz

    'Key Guest

    in message
    "David Teichholtz" is also not on our group.

    nuff said anyway.

    'Key, Jul 13, 2006
  19. David Teichholtz

    revms Guest

    Can you tell me how to remove the door skins from my 96 Saturn Coupe?

    revms, Jul 16, 2006
  20. David Teichholtz

    P T Guest

    I remember well when I bought my (new) 95 SL1. It was a nightmare. I
    know everyone says they are treated well, but I guess they figured,
    "This guy's a schmuck, we can ignore the bastard."
    Indeed, my dad accompanied me, and he described the experience as
    "pretty shabby."

    Anyway, at one point, the sales guy says, "Here's your key!" One
    stinking key! Aren't there two? I asked. "One opens everything!"

    A 5 page letter to Saturn Corp detailing the nightmare got me the other

    [I would have returned the car, but I was starting an intense college
    schedule in a few days, and I wanted a new car, and didn't not want to
    restart the buying process."]
    P T, Jul 17, 2006
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