where's the THRILL in driving?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by BW, Oct 14, 2003.

  1. BW

    Baudolino Guest

    He is on a mission to make it a better place. He can complain, he is willing
    to take it upon him to make the changes he feels the country need. People
    that just yell can be given a one way ticket. People that see short comings,
    name them and want to work on them should be allowed to stay (how annoying
    their personality might be).
    Besides that, I'm sure he will think there are too many guns in Switzerland.
    Baudolino, Oct 21, 2003
  2. BW

    Baudolino Guest

    - Roads are shit
    - Dope is illegal
    - You have to be 21 to drink
    - Healthcare sucks
    - Environment!??
    - 100 times more likely to get shot that almost anywhere else
    - News is a joke
    - Education is embarrasing (assembly line thinking designed after Brave New
    - Remember that sagging three in the Ohio?

    But, as offspring sings: But everything he lacks well he makes up in denial

    But yeah, great is the good word, I would only like to see that more people
    here would like to aim for perfection.
    Check out the immigration rules, checking the quality of his English, he has
    been here too short to apply for all those benefits.
    Besides, if everything here that saw something they didn't like would move
    out, the place would be as developed in 50 years as it is now. Open your
    LOL, do you see the stupity in this! I must agree here with Leo, if people
    yell free and threaten to kick you because of what you say, something must
    be wrong. In a real free country even communists would be welcome.
    The-he land of the freeee, and the hooome of the brave!
    Baudolino, Oct 21, 2003
  3. BW

    Bill Leary Guest

    It's never over, it just moves down the road and around the corner.

    I've live 26 miles outside of Boston and go into town once or twice a year
    for various things. I can recall no case where I went into Boston in 30
    years of driving and didn't have to deal with some closed, lane reduced or
    detoured road. I suppose if you live there you get used to it. For me, I
    usually find a parking garage, write down it's address, and call a cab.

    - Bill
    Bill Leary, Oct 21, 2003
  4. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    Matt, I like Switzerland because I like their gutty feeling toward
    envirnomental issue. I've never been in Switzerland but I've learned
    that Swiss people desire to take care their environment seem to be so
    strong and so practical. I mean the environmetnal issue is not a
    theory to debate. It's their way of lifestyle. This is the type of
    people I want to live with, and I want to honor their lifestyle.

    I had enough of this AMerican cowboy angry bully drivers. These
    people are
    insane. Did you notice how violence American street have become?
    It's war zone! It's crazy!

    The thing those who hate American can't leave America is simply. They
    been here too long. They have the family. They have a wife and kid to
    take care. Not only that folks grown up most of their life in AMerica
    will be hard to move out once they adopted or assimiliated it. It is
    like driving GM truck all your life then switch to
    maximum-speed-30-miles electric motor.
    Leo Lee, Oct 21, 2003
  5. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    You can leave the nation if you have a lots of money. The freedom
    to go
    and freedom to leave needs money. Nothing is free here or anywhere.
    free in America is when the white cowboy scum killed 95% of all the
    indians and occupied over all the land and now claiming
    whites-the-native-american theory. And another freedom is your free
    speech to make propaganda nonsense. or maybe you sit on the world
    largest amount of stocked pile of WMD and threatening me to accept the
    theory of whites-the-native-American or "I will nuke you."

    How did I end in here? You should ask your great-grand-pa who came
    from Europe.
    Your great-grand-pa answer better than me.
    Leo Lee, Oct 21, 2003
  6. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    I don't think real american happy me to live in Switeland. Because
    you are not a real American. You are just ugly-fat-ass who will die
    cancer or Diabetes or shop-until-to-death.

    Speaking honestly, I don't look at you as a real American. YOu just
    a big fat mouth with ugly pathetic angry bully ass mentality. I really
    do not really sit right next to you. You smell pig. You eat like a
    I know that those who claims to be a real American is mostly over
    They eat too much. They die with cancer or all kind of fat-related

    Nice topic to troll and spaming!!! yeah I do provide you with nice
    topic so that you can lash out those anger inside of you has been
    built all your life.
    suffered all your life. You forgot the oil change. I feel sorry for
    angry lifestyle.

    You just did not know that those liberal or Democrat is your allie.
    Conservative = Liberal = Republican = Democrat= Bipartian fascist
    Leo Lee, Oct 21, 2003
  7. BW

    Cal Wheeler Guest

    I would be happy to see you take this the hell out of the Jeep
    newsgroup. Thanks.
    Cal Wheeler, Oct 21, 2003
  8. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    Baloney BS! You are too fucking ignorant or you've been misled by
    those lying education and media. You can't answer how long I've been
    here because I'm suffering the speech problem. I admit I can't write
    well. My speech problem is getting worst. So don't assume that I'm
    some kind of late immigrant! You ugly fucking stereotyping is fuckign
    too much to begin with.

    free to be brainwashed. Home of the gay!
    Leo Lee, Oct 21, 2003
  9. BW

    c Guest

    I don't know what city you live in, but maybe you should relocate to a
    smaller town. I don't disagree that there are some bad areas. Every big city
    has them, and not just in America. But I think to compare the USA to a
    country you have never been to is ridiculous. I also agree that there are
    some very aggressive drivers, and probably most of them don't have the
    skills to handle their vehicle in the manner they drive, but again you are
    stereotyping everyone. I know if I had to live in any big city I would not
    like it either, but that's why I don't live in Chicago or Los Angeles. It
    sounds to me like you haven't seen much of this country, and yet you make it
    sound like the worst place in the world. If you have kept yourself sheltered
    in the middle of a big city, you haven't begun to see what is out there.
    Like I said before, if you want to leave bad enough, there is always a way.
    If you can't leave for whatever reason, then I suggest you explore this
    country a bit because what you are describing is NOT typical America.

    c, Oct 21, 2003
  10. BW

    c Guest

    Well, I would ask him that, but there are 2 problems. Number one, he died
    over 30 years ago, and number two, he lived in Poland. Now tell me how he
    would know how you got here. I am also part Indian on my father's side, so
    how do you know how I feel about the Native American? You assume an awful
    lot Mr. Lee.

    c, Oct 21, 2003
  11. BW

    Napalm Heart Guest

    You are presupposing that there is serious thought going on there. He
    should go to Switzerland. I've been there and it's a nice place. But
    I'll take the USA as my place to live. Not perfect, but the best for
    what I want life to be.

    Clarksville MI
    Napalm Heart, Oct 21, 2003
  12. BW

    Dave Milne Guest

    How about the corruption in asian countries ? How about the attitude to
    women ? How about the police brutality ? How about communism ? How about
    some of the reasons which made you or your family go to America ? And since
    you are whining about it - what about the f*king pollution ?

    If you go to Switzerland (virtually paid off by the nazis in WW2), life is
    not all fresh air, chalets and ski-ing. You can look forwards to high
    taxation and a low home-ownership.

    To make it simple for you - make the best of the US. Whining about cowboys
    is unlikely to help.

    Dave Milne, Scotland
    '99 TJ 4.0 Sahara

    : people are
    : insane. Did you notice how violence American street have become?
    : It's war zone! It's crazy!
    Dave Milne, Oct 21, 2003
  13. BW

    Dave Milne Guest

    It hasn't happened yet ...

    Dave Milne, Scotland
    '99 TJ 4.0 Sahara

    : All I want to know is does it hurt when you think???????
    : Jimmie
    : : > (BW) wrote in message
    : : > > I was searching through some past articles trying to answer the above
    : > > question and came across someon who wrote this:
    : > >
    : > > "It's not the speed itself, it's the thrill of passing. Well... in
    : > > that case you might want to mention the thrill of not letting anyone
    : > > pass you."
    : >
    : >
    : > You sound like an American driver. I do not believe most Euroepan
    : > drivers trying to get high speed. Here is US, driving is going to war
    : > I mean like back into the cowboy day that stupid idiot scum cowboy you
    : > shoot and kill other or you will be killed. American driver is like
    : > cowboy. This driving manic used to be white people but check in the
    : > street of big city, you see the other race black, Latino and Asian
    : > doing that too. In LA, Asian of modified HOnda has became their social
    : > symbol of driving fast. I know three Asians with modified Honda got
    : > wrecked their cars.
    : >
    : > Driving in US is getting dangerous and utterly illogical. Car is the
    : > symbol
    : > of the ultimate materialism. I'm not saying that it does not happen
    : > to other
    : > nation. But US is the leading the way. I know that some cities in
    : > European,
    : > you can't drive with gasoline-engine automobile for concerning their
    : > environment and allow only electric automobile
    : >
    : > I don't like US and their automobile culture. I hate America. I would
    : > not mind top drive a electric automobile in Swietzland to save Alp
    : > mountains.
    Dave Milne, Oct 21, 2003
  14. BW

    Martin Boer Guest

    I've driven in Boston last winter (when we visited my brother who lives
    in Maine) and the big difference IMHO is that in the US people will
    allow you to change lanes (in order to get the next exit).
    In Europe they'll make gestures, flash lights and honk to let you
    know that you're a moron who shouldn't be allowed on the road anyhow.

    But, I'm glad you experienced otherwise. :)

    Martin Boer, Oct 21, 2003
  15. Well, you certainly learned a bit of basic Anglo-Saxon...Not great
    vocabulary, though, for putting forward an argument....

    NB: To reply directly replace "nospam" with "schmetterling"
    [.....]> >
    .........ugly fucking stereotyping is fuckign....
    Dori Schmetterling, Oct 21, 2003
  16. BW

    Joe Guest

    "Healthcare sucks"
    Best in the world = "sucks"???
    Joe, Oct 21, 2003
  17. BW

    Baudolino Guest

    Don't know, but 50,000 EUR $56,000) a year for a starting engineer isn't too
    bad, that almost makes the houses affordable there. Tax would be around 30%
    on that income, comparable with US tax (payroll (17%) + income (approx.
    10%)), considered by many as the lowest in the world.

    Besides thinking he is a troll, I do believe his real problem with America
    is their arrogance of claiming to be the best country, more than anything
    else. He's just unhappy and tries to look for bad things in the US.

    Oh, and besides that, I still think that communism is better than capitalism
    (the only problem is it doesn't work)
    Baudolino, Oct 21, 2003
  18. BW

    Baudolino Guest

    Here is some reading:
    WHO (World Health Organization) rated the US healthcare system on the 42nd
    place on the list and called acces to healthcare by people living in the
    inner city comparable with sub-saharan (poor African) countries.
    Best in the world doesn't mean sucks, you thinking (and plenty with you)
    it's the best in the world sucks.

    FYI Infant mortality (7/1000) is almost twice as high as for example Sweden
    (3/1000), compare this with Malaysia (8/1000). You know what makes it real
    funny, Swedes pay on average only $1,707 per year on healthcare, Americans
    pay on average $4,180 a year. So, if best for you means: 'lower survival
    rates for more money', yes, I can agree with you, else, think before you
    Oh, and in case you claim that healthcare is more than just infant
    mortality, life expectancy in US is rather low too, compared with other
    industrilized countries. For sources, just read the HDR and the WHR
    Baudolino, Oct 21, 2003
  19. BW

    TJim Guest

    If I find myself living somewhere and it doesn't make me happy, I move. You
    should, too.

    You could go live in North Korea. I hear there's no traffic problems there.
    There are mountains, too.
    TJim, Oct 21, 2003
  20. BW

    TJim Guest

    TJim, Oct 21, 2003
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