where's the THRILL in driving?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by BW, Oct 14, 2003.

  1. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    You must enjoying your trolling with points. I have said that this
    is beyond
    color line and I said that even Asian are getting fat in America.
    the point is so easy see why Americans are so fat. It is their
    lifestyle so lazy and eating like pigs and no exercise. This is why
    Americans needs a
    big and fat model every years. I mean look at these big fat SUV and
    This is the problem when these big fat SUV or hummer invaded my
    parking space.
    Sometimes they took the double parking space that I have had to find

    you are lying. Sure you have right to be fat according so call
    freedom or whatever but the people around the world is laughing at
    this. The problem of fat America is more than being just fat, it's
    their health issue. The fat surely is endangering their life.
    Leo Lee, Oct 26, 2003
  2. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    Real debate??? Ok tell me my points are all BS. Prove me I'm wrong on this!
    Can you answer why American cars are getting fat and bigger every year?
    Tell me why. I'm not going to say anything on this. Let assume you know
    better than I do. Tell me why Americans car getting bigger and fatter
    every year. You can't deny the fact that Americans car are not getting
    smaller and thinner. I only saw one new model so small just for following
    the European model or not even AMerican. Perhaps English???
    You can't deny the fact as Americans body are getting fat and big so must as
    their automobiles. All American cars are getting fat and big. This is the fact
    that you can't deny. Please tell me why American cars are getting bigger
    and fatter.
    Leo Lee, Oct 26, 2003
  3. BW

    Scooby Don't Guest

    First tactic of a troll is to accuse everyone else of beinga troll. I
    noticed you have dropped your fake accent.
    You never said beyond the color line. You specifically said White and
    Black. Amazing how Google preserves your pointless words for all
    Again I'll ask you so what? Why do you care if Americans are fat or
    not? Are you the fat patrol?? Do you plan on going out there and
    giving fat people tickets?
    What is this obsession you have with fat Americans?
    I am not llying and I challenge you mr. lame ass troll to show me
    where I am lying. Oh but wait... you can't.
    People are fat for many reasons, not all Americans are fat. It sounds
    as tho you have a clinical obsession with fat people. maybe your
    mother was flat chested when she tried to breast feed you?
    You don't care one whit about American health. You have yet to provide
    anything other than criticism. Prove me wrong, where are you being
    You were making racist comments, now you have switched tactics but to
    no avail. You are a troll and obviously a very poor one at that.
    Hopefully someone will run you over with their Hummer and then you
    won't have to worry about it any more.
    Scooby Don't, Oct 26, 2003
  4. BW

    Scooby Don't Guest

    To the JackAss caling himself Leo Lee an obvious troll with no
    understanding of anything automotive.
    Cars are getting biger for many raesons, safety equipment and
    requirements being a primary reason. Also the USA is a very large
    country with many highways. Small city type cars do not fare well on
    large Interstates. I've owned a lot of small cars as well as big cars.
    Cars actually dropped in size for many years due to the false oil
    shortage. They were much larger than they are now. You are too young
    and stupid to understand that. A 1969 Dodge Coronet was not a small
    car. Nor was a 1967 Buick Electra 225.
    Japanes cars have always been tradionally small due to the excessive
    charge on gasoline the Japanese Gov't puts on gas as well as the size
    and type of roads in Japan.
    America is a very large country compared to many other countries and
    even all of Europe. But why you pretend to care about any of this is a
    mystery, just more trolling on your part. Buy a small car. They ake
    plenty of them. Buy a Motorcycle theyare even smaller.
    You can Buy what you like in the USA!
    China? Not a chance, no freedom there. Regardless of if you are
    Chinese or Mongolian or whatever else from that Continent.
    For all we know you are a fat unhappy little boy but there are no
    shoulders for you to cry on in here. Adults only!
    Scooby Don't, Oct 26, 2003
  5. BW

    Dave Milne Guest

    Ok, if you are a Mongol, you would know that Inner Mongolia is still part of
    China, and Outer Mongolia was "liberated" from China with the help of
    Russia. Which brings us nicely back to the slaughtering of native Americans
    which you were harping on about - because Gengis Khan unlike any other
    emperor preferred to destroy rather than subordinate.

    Unfortunately for you, by calling me an idiot fat-ass American that doesn't
    know anything about geography, you have shown you don't know where Scotland
    is .. it's a country that is part of the UK, about 6000 miles from
    California. Since you are getting personal about my physical appearance of
    which you know nothing, I assume you won't be offended if I ask if you are a
    chopstick ? It's a term a Thai girlfriend of mine used for a girl that is
    flat both sides.

    Dave Milne, Scotland
    '99 TJ 4.0 Sahara

    : > With such stunning contempt for other people, you would make a great
    : > leader.
    : >
    : Dave and Jimmie the perfect twin aparted from the birth. Dave, can
    : you differenciate mongolian from Chinese? How much do you know about
    : geography?
    : Oh no no not another ignorant idiot fat-ass American citizen!
    Dave Milne, Oct 26, 2003
  6. BW

    TJim Guest

    Oh, but his tactic *is* working. You're talking to him, aren't you? Trolls
    will keep spouting their mindless tripe as long as they can get everyone all
    fired up enough to keep responding to their posts.

    (I'm probably not helping by posting this either...)
    TJim, Oct 26, 2003
  7. BW

    Moitz Guest

    TJim randomly babbled on 10/25/2003 2:05 PM:
    Moitz, Oct 26, 2003
  8. BW

    A Hess Guest

    Stardate 10/25/03 11:01 PM, Leo Lee sat a million monkeys at a million
    typewriters and produced the following:
    That's funny. Perhaps you forget where you were, (or probaly really
    wren't)... WalMart, whose main demographic is, (To make a broad
    generalization) sweatpants wearing, soap opera watching, ugly fat
    chicks. Would your results be the same if you sat and watched people
    coming and going from a healthh food store or gym? You would have got a
    much higher percentage of fattys at an over-eaters anonymous meeting.
    A Hess, Oct 26, 2003
  9. BW

    frankg Guest

    Agreed Scooby. The OP doesn't know or just wants to start a flame
    war. He really needs to study American automobile history before he
    makes these type claims. I will agree with him about Americans
    getting fatter but that's all.
    frankg, Oct 26, 2003
  10. Dave: He really screwed up now,because he finely made a correct statement.
    I'm of Scottish decent as well. Shit may be we were twins . Hay
    Brother!!!!!!! L.O.L.
    Jimmie; wow and I'm so amazed. Jeep OIIIIIIIO Jeep
    CJimmie in Iowa, Oct 26, 2003
  11. BW

    Dave Milne Guest

    Yup, you and me are perfect, bro !

    Dave Milne, Scotland
    '99 TJ 4.0 Sahara

    : Dave: He really screwed up now,because he finely made a correct statement.
    : I'm of Scottish decent as well. Shit may be we were twins . Hay
    : Brother!!!!!!! L.O.L.
    : Jeep
    : Jimmie; wow and I'm so amazed. Jeep OIIIIIIIO Jeep
    : : > : > : Dave and Jimmie the perfect twin aparted from the birth. Dave, can
    : > : you differenciate mongolian from Chinese? How much do you know about
    : > : geography?
    : > : Oh no no not another ignorant idiot fat-ass American citizen!
    : >
    : >
    Dave Milne, Oct 26, 2003
  12. Who gives a shit, Leo? Go work out if that's your boner-maker, but get the
    f$#@ off this NG!
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Oct 27, 2003
  13. Nah, Leo just sits in front of Wal-Marts looking at all the high school
    girls while beating his meat.
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Oct 27, 2003
  14. BW

    Joe Agro Guest

    Didn't anyone ever teach you not to feed the trolls? It makes them grow...

    Joe - VROC #8013 - '86 VN750 - joe @ yunx .com - 973.571.1456 24/7

    Ask me about "The Ride" on July 31, '04:

    http://www.gearhand.com - The very best in frustrating, cool games.

    House for sale - Northern, NJ - eMail me for details.
    Joe Agro, Oct 27, 2003
  15. BW

    Joe Agro Guest

    Joe Agro, Oct 27, 2003
  16. BW

    dizzy Guest

    Well, that's the way it is...
    dizzy, Oct 27, 2003
  17. BW

    dizzy Guest

    At least he's not a stupid top poster, Dave.
    dizzy, Oct 27, 2003
  18. BW

    dizzy Guest

    Jimmie, you idiot. Fix your broken software. Or, better yet, don't
    use OE. See the mess OE made of what you quoted? Why not just delete
    the unreadable crap, at least? Too lazy and stupid, I guess.
    dizzy, Oct 27, 2003
  19. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    Get out of my parking space, fat-ass!

    yeah yeah you did great job being a white trash scum. We know your
    ugly shitty whitetrash anger and hate built inside of your culture
    which is your cultural experience which in turn bled a racism, child
    abuse, diverce, KKK violent. Remember Me have no ass to kick. Let me
    have your big FAT-ASS
    so I can kick your butt like a soccer kick. That should be a nice

    oh geezzz... FAT-ASS english is worst than mine!
    Leo Lee, Oct 27, 2003
  20. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    You trying to teach me history and geography? You got the wrong guy.
    Get some fat-ass people who know nothing about geography.

    I don't like to trolling with a scotish who does not have a country.
    Right? You have the culture that is not part of UK but don't have
    the soverigtny right. Use chopstick not to be fat.
    Leo Lee, Oct 27, 2003
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