XM Antenna

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by i6966606, Aug 16, 2005.

  1. i6966606

    i6966606 Guest

    About 3 months ago I had an indash XM radio installed (Alpine). Along
    with the head unit, I had the Terk XMicro2 antenna installed on the
    roof of the car. After about a month, the antenna was shot. I was
    unable to get any signa where before I never had any drop outs during
    my normal 45 minute commute (one way). The installer said it was
    probably just a bad antenna and replaced it. That was a month ago and
    now the new antenna is going south fast. In another week I think it
    will be as useless as the first.

    I really love the radio and want to get something that works. However,
    I want something that lasts. What antennas would you recommend?
    i6966606, Aug 16, 2005
  2. i6966606

    marx404 Guest

    Thats interesting that a Terk antenna would go "bad" twice. Terks are oem
    for most XM factory installations like Benz and Honda, etc., so what could
    be occuring that would make yours go bad? Perhaps look at how the
    installation was done, and what you may be doing to break the antenna, ie:
    brushed car washes, hitting things, cats eating it, etc. :)
    Perhaps the wrong antenna was installed?

    Alternately, you can get new antennas etc. from xmradio.com.

    marx404, Aug 18, 2005
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